SVBONY SV501 Manual De Instrucciones página 2

Blindness Danger!
Don't use the product to watch the sun or the sun directly around the
place. This will have the risk of blindness.
Choking hazard!
The child must use the product under the care of an agult. So that the
packaging materialss, such as plastic bags and rubber lines away
from children. This will have the risk of suffocation.
Fire hazard!
Don't place the product ,especially the lens directly in the sun. This
will present a fire hazard.
Don't disassemble the product.If a defect, please contact the dealer.
The dealer will contactthe service center and repair it if necessary.
Privacy protection!
This product is for personal use only. Please take care to protect the
privacy of othere.
For exemple: don't use the product to observe the apartment.
● SV501 Refractor Telescope
● Specifications and configuration
● Schematic
● Main Accessories
● Operating Sequence
● Precautions
● What to Look For in the Sky
● Package Includes
● Care and Cleaning of Optics
SV501 Refractor Telescope
Open up the wonders of the Universe to aspiring astronomers of all
ages with the SV501 refractor telescope. The refractor telescope is
designed to give the first-time telescope user the perfect combination
of quality, value, features and power.
SV501 refractor telescope perfects for kids; teens or beginners;entry
level amateur astronomers as a great way to open up the wonders of
the universe to the aspiring astronomer; perfect for observation of
celestial bodies; moon; planets; stars in the night sky.
Specifications and Configuration
● Aperture: 70mm
Focal Length:420mm
● Optical Type: Achromatic Refractor
● Viewfinder: 5x20
● Diagonals: 1.25" 90-Degree Prisms Diagonals
● Magnification ( K20mm Eyepiece)=420/20=21x
Barrel Openning
1.25" 90-Degree Diagonals
Tripod Lock handle
Main Accessories
● K20mm eyepieces:
20mm viewing a wide range of objects; moon; planets; or land
● 1.25" 90-Degree Prisms Diagonals
Using this particular diagonal is that the prism produces the image
in the same orientation as seen by the eye and so it will be the right
way up and the right way round.
● 5x20 finder scope:
Locate objects in the main telescope; it provide 5x20 magnification
helps find the objects soon
● Black aluminum tripod:
Preassembled aluminum full size photographic tripod ensures a
stable platform for clear view of moon; planet.
Operating Sequence
● Viewfinder mounted on the telescope,the installation of the
telescope to the tripod, the installation of the Enhanced Diagonal to
the telescope.
● Place the 20 mm eyepiece to the Enhance Diagonal, to distant
objects on the ground as the target,adjust the 3 screws of the
viewfinder, so that the viewfinder and telescope eyepiece observed
the same goal
● Remove the eyepiece from the zenithoscope and attach it to the
eyepiece interface of the photo holder
● The eyepiece attached to the photo frame holder,the installation of
the eyepiece to the Enhanced Diagonal,rotating the focus knob, in
the eyepiece to see distant objects clearly.
● In the photo frame bracket sucker set up mobile phones,mobile
phone screen through the observation,so that the lens at the middle
of the eyepiece.
● Adjust the tripod,aiming at the sky target(For example:the moon,
the plant), mobile phone camera in the app to enlarge the target
Notes: The holder Optional accessories, need purchased separately.
What to Look For in the Sky
● There is a whole universe of objects to be seen in the night sky so
where does one start? Well lets examine the most visible objects
● The Moon
The moon is the easiest target to find in the night. When it is in the
full position, when the entire face is lit, then it bathes the night with
a silvery light washing out the rest of the sky from all but the
brightest objects. The best time to view the moon is actually not
when it is full but rather anytime up to the first quarter, this is when
the face appears to be half lit up. The terminator on the moon, the
dividing line between dark and light, shows the best features such
as craters and mountains
● The Planets
The planets are our solar system companions. These range in size
from moon size rocky bodies to giant gas balls which could hold
1000 Earths. To find the planets requires some information as to
when they are visible. An astronomy magazine such as SkyNews
or Sky and Telescope, will give you the locations of the planets from
month to month. Most people who have looked up at night have
probably seen some planets but did not realize it. A planet, when it
is well clear of the horizon will not twinkle as do the stars. They are
resolved by the eye as tiny balls as opposed to the stars which are
infinitely small points of light. The easiest planets to view, when
they are visible, are Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune. Mercury is an object to look for but it is usually below the
horizon and often is a challenge to find. Pluto is too small for most
telescopes below 10" so do not worry about finding it at this time.
● Each of the planets has its own interesting views. Venus is covered
with clouds so all we see is an extremely bright light, the brightest
next to the moon, however it like our moon goes through phases. In
other words the planet surface will, as it travels around the sun,
appear to have different amounts of it lit up. This gives the planet
varying crescent shapes, as if a bite were taken out of it. Mars is
the red planet. It is verynoticeably red when rising above the horizon
and stands out like a beacon in the night sky. The apparent brightn-
ess of Mars varies as the planet orbits around the sun so throughout
its time being visible to us it will brighten and dim depending on how
our two planets are aligned relative to each other.
● Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is the second
brightest planet next to Venus. Jupiter also has moons of which 4
are easily visible through a telescope. In fact as you watch them
throughout the evening you will see that they change their positions
relative to each other and to Jupiter. It is possible with careful
planning to actually see one of the moons disappear either in front
of, or behind Jupiter as they travel around their planet. Another
great feature of Jupiter is the cloud belt pattern. Jupiter is alive with
weather activity and the planet's clouds have formed in time into
belts which are visible to telescopes, when our skies allow it.
● Saturn, the second largest planet, is not as bright as Jupiter and its
moons are not as visible through small telescopes. However it has
very large rings that encircle the planet which are spectacular. The
planet appears as a pale yellow, as do the rings but one can spend
hours looking at these. The major division in the rings, the Cassini
division, is possible to see in a small telescope if the viewing is
● Uranus and Neptune are the last of the solar system gas giants.
They do not yield up spectacular sights like Jupiter or Saturn,
however they are part of our family and are rewarding to see as
they can be a challenge to find.
● Beyond our solar system there lies a multitude of objects to be
found. Galaxies, nebulae and star clusters abound
Package Includes
Care and Cleaning of Optics
● Warning: Improper cleaning of optical components may void the
● Optical components of a telescope will over time get dirty. The
amount of dirt and or dust collected onto a lens or mirror should
only be removed with the utmost care and this is at times best left
to people with experience in this procedure. A considerable amount
of dirt or dust must be present on the optical surface before one will
notice the effect visually
1. Keeping the dust caps on during storage of the telescope will
reduce the amount of dust collected
2. After using the telescope there might be dew condensation, on
the optical surfaces. When the telescope is brought inside
remove the dust caps and allow the moisture to evaporate
naturally. Point the telescope downwards so as to minimize the
collection of airborne dust
3. Once the moisture is gone then replace the dust caps
4. If you wish to remove dust from the lenses or mirrors you first
should try using a can of filtered compressed air. Remove the
dust cap and the dew shield in the case of the refractor style of
telescope, or take the mirror cell out of the reflecting type. Once
you are able to freely blow across the surface of the optics then
begin by first pointing the can away from the piece and gently
expel some air. This will remove any condensate in the air can
lines and clear off dust that may have accumulated on the disch-
arge tube. Next using short quick bursts of air carefully remove
the dust particles. Don't hold the trigger of the compressed air for
too long as condensate might be belown out across the optical
surface. If particles still remain after several attempts at removal
than the telescope should probably be taken back to the dealer
for cleaning.
● The optics of your telescope should last a long time before they
generally require major cleaning. By keeping the dust caps on and
avoiding the temptation to handle the lenses or mirrors you will find
that very little is needed in the way of optical maintenance.
直接に裸眼でSV501望遠鏡を通じて、 太陽及びその周囲を
観察することは危険です。 失明になるルクスがあります。
てください。 子供を梱包材料から遠ざけさせてください。
SV501望遠鏡のレンズを烈日に当たって置く ことは絶対で
きません。 火災を起こす可能があります。
ご注意 !
自分で分解することをしないてください。 もし、 何か問題
あるいは不具合がございましったら、 こちらのカスタマー
この製品は個人限り使用します。 他人のプライバシーを尊
重するように注意してください。 例 : 他人のアパートを観
● SV501屈折式望遠鏡
● 仕様と構成
● 概要
● 主なアクセサリー
● 操作ステップ
● (望
● 空の天体は何か観察できるの? ● パッケージ内容
● 望遠鏡の保管と清潔
をべールにを外します。 屈折式望遠鏡は天文初心者にむけ
て、 最上の品質、 万人向きの値段、 よい性能を集めて、 完
璧な組み合わせです。 SV501屈折式望遠鏡は子供、 十代の
若者たち、 初心者、 およびエントリーレベルのアマチュア
天文学者に最適です。 天体、 月、 惑星、 夜空の星の観測に
対物レンズ : 70mm
焦点距離 : 420mm
光学 : 色収差消し屈折望遠鏡
ファインダー : 5x20