finnhaus Lenja 40 basic Manual Del Usuario página 49

Saunaofen mit integrierter Steuerung
O v e n t y p e
k sauna stove
internal controller
P o s i t i o n t h e s a u n a s t o n e s o n t h e s t o n e g r i d
Sauna stones are a natural product e recommend that ou clean the
stones ith clean ater be ore placing them on the stove o not use
stones unless the are designed or use in a sauna se a ma imum
o kg o stones Important Position the stones loosel and remove
an stones that are too small I the stones are packed too tightl the
ill a ect the air circulation and ill result in the sauna stove and cabin
alls overheating and a re risk o not use the stove ithout stones
nl use stones that are marked as sauna stones in shops arrant
claims ill not be accepted i stones other than those designed or use
in saunas are used or or claims resulting rom lling o the stone cham-
bers incorrectl urn the stones at least once per ear remove an
stones that are too small and remove all stone dust and stone splinters
e recommend that ou replace the stones ever t o ears
I m p o r t a n t .
I ou cover the stove and ll the stone container incorrectl the unit ma
cause a re o not use the stove ithout sauna stones
leaning and care
S itch o the stove and allo it to cool be ore ou clean it
o not use scouring cleaning products to clean the stove
L i q u i d s
he sauna stove is suitable or sauna li uids
lease read the follo ing carefull
• nl use ater that meets the ualit re uirements or domestic ater
• ater that contains high levels o lime or iron ill leave residue on the
stones and metal in the ater tank
• o prevent scalds caused b rising steam hilst pouring li uid over the
stones li uids should al a s be poured rom the side using a ladle
• ripping ater ma cause permanent marks on the cabin oor
onnection rating
Suitable for cabin
i n k W
s i z e i n m
9 , 0
M i n i m u m c r o s s - s e c t i o n s m m
o en connect to
Po er suppl
cable silicone
• P our small amounts o li uid on to the stones i ou pour too much
li uid on to them ou ma su er scalds
• se as much li uid as ou are com ortable ith but do not e ceed a
volume o g/m o cabin volume
• he li uid should be poured straight on to the stones in the stove and
must be spread evenl over all the stones
• I ou use li uid concentrates or e ample essential oils ollo the
instructions or use provided b the manu acturer
• sing e cessive concentrations o these products ma result in e -
• o not use mi tures o alcoholic drinks or other additives not recom-
mended or use in saunas as the pose a risk o re e plosion and
ma be harm ul
• he arrant ill be voided i ou ail to ollo these instructions
I m p o r t a n t
i uids ma cause marks on metal sur aces and sauna stones Sauna
li uids ith citrus ragrance ma cause rust patches as a result o their
acid content In this case ou should onl use products in the diluted
orm speci ed b the manu acturer
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
T h e s t o v e w i l l n o t h e a t u p
• ave ou activated all the necessar s itches?
• as the use in the domestic installation tripped?
• ave ou set the temperature controller correctl ?
• ave ou pre set the time s itch?
• RCC trips see the section entitled esting the insulation resistance
he sto e causes crac ing noises
• he housing parts and heating elements e pand hen the stove is
heating up or operating he heating elements ma move the sauna
stones and cause noises Cracking noises are normal and are not
grounds or complaint
• Sauna stones split and cause an odor
• se onl sauna stones recommended b the manu acturer
• Sauna stones are too old replace them
T h e c a b i n d o e s n o t g e t h o t e n o u g h
• he sauna stove is too small
• E cessive temperature loss rom the sauna cabin or e ample due to
poor or lack o sealing
• I ncorrect displa on the sauna thermometer Mount the thermometer
higher and at a distance o appro cm rom the sauna all
• ave a de ective heating element heating element does not glo
checked and measured b an electrician
Technische Änderungen, Druckfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten
er cable
use in
1 6

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