Istruzioni per l'uso
Operating manual
Mode d'emploi
Manuel de instrucciones
Manual de inst
Návod k použití zkoušečky
Instrukcja obsługi
Dutest aletinin kullanma
Οδηγίες χρήσεως
geprüft und zugelassen
BENNING Elektrotechnik & Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG
Münsterstraße 135 - 137 • D - 46397 Bocholt
Telefon ++49 (0) 2871 - 93 - 0 • Fax ++49 (0) 2871 - 93 - 429
check, not the Dutest.
Mode of operation
The Dutest is a continuity and circuit tester in
Instruction manual
accordance with VDE 0403, with visual and acoustic
test indication. The unit is designed for continuity tes-
ting of electrical wiring, networks, systems, equipment
and components up to a measuring resistor value of
Before you use the continuity and circuit tester
90 k. With this unit the polarity of semiconductor
: Please read the instruction manual and
components such as diodes, transistors, etc. can be
make sure that you follow the safety instructions!
For operation 3 Mignon-batteries 1,5 V (IEC/ DIN R6/
Index of contents:
LR6) are needed.
Safety instructions
The unit has a visual indication with two LEDs and
Mode of operation
and an acoustic indication by means of a test buz-
Operating check/ commissioning
How to test an electrically conductive circuit
The unit has two test leads attached.
(continuity test)
Each test grips has an uninsulated test electrode
4.1 How to test the continuity and reverse direc-
(test probe) with a hole for the connection of single
tion of semiconductors
wires up to 2,5 mm² .
Pocket torch function
Different crocodile clips can be used on the test elec-
Technical data
trodes (test probes) . The diameter of the test elec-
trodes is 4 mm. Via a switch the unit can also be
Safety instructions
operated as pocket torch.
On the unit there are shown international electrical
Visual and acoustic indication
symbols with the following meanings:
In the display window there is a torch reflector with a
bulb on the right and two circular light lenses with
Attention, read documentation!
LEDs and on the left. The LED indications are
marked with the symbols "" and "k" and signal the
Direct- or alternative current (DC/ AC).
respective testing range. A test buzzer, which is inte-
grated in the unit, serves for the acoustic indication.
Continuous double or strengthened isolation
(protection II, IEC 536).
Operating check/ commissioning
The unit may be only used for continuity testing
This unit is built and tested in accordance with DIN
of dead electrical wiring, networks, systems, equip-
VDE 0403/ DIN VDE 0411- / EN 61010 part 1 and
ment and components as well as for polarity deter-
supplied in a sound condition. In order to maintain
mination of semiconductor components!
this condition and to ensure a safe operation, the
Before the commissioning of the unit, 3 Mignon-
user has to follow the instructions and warnings
batteries 1,5 V (IEC/ DIN R6/ LR6) have to be put
which are included in this instruction manual.
into the battery compartment. The battery com-
This unit is provided for the use in accordance
partment is behind the housing cover at the rear of
with IEC 664, category II. It is suitable for the use
the unit. The housing cover has an opening slot at
in circuits up to 400 V
both housing sides of the unit and can be opened
The unit must only be used for the continuity
with a tool e. g. screwdriver.
testing of electrical wiring, networks, systems,
When putting in the 3 Mignon-batteries, pay atten-
equipment, components up to a nominal voltage
tion to the correct polarity!
of 400 V
and for the polarity determination of
Check the internal voltage supply of the tester and
with it the function of the LED-indications and the
Max voltage from earth 300 V
test buzzer by touching together the two test elec-
Handle the instrument only by the insulated grips
trodes .
and do not touch the test probes !
Do not use the continuity tester unless all func-
A continuity and semiconductor test must not be
tions are operating correctly!
performed on live equipment.
Before opening the battery cover , the test grips
How to test the continuity and reverse
must be disconnected from all voltage sources
direction of semicondutors (continuity test)
and measuring circuits.
The continuity test must not be performed on live
The battery compartment cover underneath the
equipment, if necessary, capacitors have to be
unit can be opened (by a 5,5 mm screwdriver).
To do this put the screwdriver in the slot at the
The necessary test potential is provided by the 3
small side and remove the cover by a slight rotary
Mignon-batteries 1,5 V, which are integral in the
motion. Always insert the batteries with the correct
Testing is possible in the range from 0 - 90 k.
If the unit is not used for a long time, remove the
Connect the test grips with test electrodes
batteries from the unit!
to the equipment to be tested.
Do not throw away used batteries, dispose these
By contacting the test electrodes to an electri-
as toxic waste!
cally conductive circuit, the LEDs and light
Please note that working on live circuits and
up and the test buzzer sounds in case of a mea-
systems is always dangerous. Voltages from 30 V
suring resistor < 900 . In case of a measuring
AC and 60 V DC can be extremely dangerous to
resistor > 900 , only the LED lights up and the
the human body.
test buzzer sounds.
Avoid getting the instrument wet or moist. It is also
For easy connecting the hole can additionally be
important to keep the continuity tester
used. It is suitable for the connection of single wires
up to 2,5 mm².
Avoid the development of water condensation.
This occurs if the unit is brought from the cold
4.1 How to test the continuity and reverse direc-
into a warm environment. This can cause the insu-
tion of semiconductors
lating strength to be reduced inside the unit and
The polarity-dependent test must not be performed
errors in measurement can arise. If this happens,
on live equipment.
the unit has to be kept for approx. 1 hour at a hig-
The necessary test potential is provided by the 3
her temperature in a suitable place.
Mignon-batteries 1,5 V, which are integrated in the
If it is assumed that safe operation is no longer
possible, the unit has to be switched off and secu-
The red test grip is the 'positive pole'.
red against unintentional use.
The black test grip is the 'negative pole'.
It has to be assumed that a safe operation is no
Testing is possible in the range from 0 - 90 k.
longer possible,
Connect test grips with test electrodes to the
if the unit shows visible damages (housing,
equipment to be tested.
cable, test grips),
By contacting the test electrodes to a semicon-
if the function of one or several displays fails
ductor, the LEDs and light up and the test
or the unit fails to function correctly,
buzzer sounds if the circuit is made and in case
after long storage in unfavourable conditions,
of a measuring resistor < 900 . In case of a
after stress due to transportation.
measuring resistor > 900 to 90 k, only the LED
For cleaning the unit use a cloth moistened with a
lights up and the test buzzer sounds if the cir-
small amount of washing-up liquid. If battery elec-
cuit is made. In case of reverse direction no indica-
trolyte has run out, thoroughly clean battery com-
tion is made!
partment and contacts!
For easy connecting the hole can additionally be
used up to 2,5 mm².
Immediately before use, ensure that the equipment is
not live! Please use a two-pole voltage tester for this
Pocket torch function
By the switch at the side of the unit it can be swit-
ched to 'permanently ON' position. The possibility of
continuity testing and polarity determination of sem-
iconductors is given independently of the switch po-
Lamp replacement
Attention! When installing the lamp (bulb), put it into
socket ensuring that the soldered fitting at its side is
placed in the large recess of the socket (otherwise, the
lamp might be jammed when removing it)!
When opening the housing (battery replacement), the
lens tip lamp might drop out of the housing. Set the
switch to the ON position in order to clamp the lens
tip lamp.
Technical data
Nominal voltage range:
max. 400 V
max. voltage from earth
300 V
Overvoltage category:
II (IEC 664)
(The unit is protected
against an overvoltage
surge up to 2500 V.)
Pollution degree:
2 (IEC 664)
Internal resistance:
approx. 82 k
No-load voltage:
5 V
Test current:
60 µA
Nominal frequency range: 0 to 60 Hz
Radio interference
Environmental conditions:
up to 2000 m above sea
Temperature range:
- 10 °C to 50 °C (operating
temperature range)
- 20 °C to 65 °C
(storing temperature range)
Max. rel. humidity:
80 % up to 31 °C linearly
decreasing 40 % up to 50
Protection class:
II (IEC 536)
IP 40 (DIN 40050)
L 97 x B 59 x H 30 mm (wit-
hout cable and test grips)
lamp type:
lens tip lamp E 10 3,7 V 0,3 A
130 g
3 Mignon-batteries 1,5 V
(IEC/ DIN R6/ LR6)
Connecting cable with
test grips:
1000 mm long