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Instrucciones de uso Istruzioni per l’uso Sposób użcia nal von minden ® Drug-Screen Pipette test Version 1.0 2011-01-24 nal von minden GmbH nal von minden GmbH nal von minden GmbH www.nal-vonminden.de Friedenstraße 32 Carl-Peschken-Str. 9 Laan van Waalhaven 305 [email protected] D-93053 Regensburg...
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Gebrauchsanweisung Instructions for use Instructions d’utilisation Instrucciones de uso Istruzioni per l’uso Sposób użcia Detailed list of cut-offs Symbols Contact...
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® nal von minden Drug-Screen Pipette test 1. Anwendungsbereich Cut-offs (Abkürzung auf den Teststreifen in Klammern) Einstufige Sandwich-Immunoassays qualitativen Bestimmung Parameter Droge/Metabolit** Cut-off verschiedener Drogen und Drogenmetaboliten im humanen Urin. Der Test (ng/ml) ist nur für den professionellen Gebrauch vorgesehen (medizinische...
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® nal von minden Drug-Screen Pipette test 1. Intended Use 6. Cut-offs The single-sandwich immunoassays are for the qualitative determination of Parameter Drug / Metabolite** Cut-off various drugs and drug metabolites in human urine. The test is for (ng/ml) professional use only (medical professionals).
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® nal von minden Drug-Screen Pipette test Domaine d’application Cut-offs (Abréviation des paramètres entre parenthèses) Ce test utilise la méthode en Sandwich-Immunoassays pour la détection Paramètres Drogue/Métabolite** Cut-off qualitative de drogues et de leurs métabolites dans les urines humaines. Le (ng/ml test est uniquement prévu à...
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® nal von minden Drug-Screen Pipette test Previsto Umbrales de detección Inmunoensayos “Single-sandwich” para la detección cualitativa de diversas Droga Droga de abuso/ droga psicotrópica Umbral drogas y sus metabolitos en orina humana. Test diseñado únicamente para (Abreviatura) uso professional.
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® nal von minden Drug-Screen Pipette test Uso Previsto (Abbreviazione) Il Drug-Screen test cassetta è un test rapido immunocromatografico per la AMP* Amfetamina 300 ng/ml rilevazione qualitativa di diversi tipi di droghe d’abuso e dei loro metaboliti AMP* Amfetamina 500 ng/ml nell’urina umana.
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® nal von minden Drug-Screen Pipette test Zastosowanie Cut-off`s (wartości progowe) Testy kasetowe nal von minden są immunologicznymi badaniami Parametr Narkotyk/metabolit** Cut- chromatograficznymi do szybkiego wykrywania różnych narkotyków lub leków psychotropowych i ich metabolitów w ludzkim moczu. Testy są AMP (Amfetamina)*...
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Bromazepam Detailed list of cut-offs Chlordiazepoxide 2.500 Clobazam The following structurally related substances resulting from the concentration Clonazepam 1.250 following a positive result. Clorazepat 3.330 Delorazepam 1.250 Amphetamine Desalkflurazepam Amphetamine -Test with Cut-off 300 ng/ml (AMP300). Diazepam Drug Concentration (ng/ml) Estazolam 2.500 D-Amphetamine...
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With exception of the respective parameters positive reacting drugs and drug Phencyclidine metabolites, which are listed above, all below listed compounds react PCP-Test with Cut-off 25 ng/ml (PCP) negatively up to a concentration of 100 µg/ml. Drug Concentration(ng/ml) Phencyclidine Acetaminophene Guaiacol Glyceryl Ether Tenocyclidine 2.000...
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Distributed Dystrybutor Tukkumyyjä Distributör Zawartość Sisältö Conteúdo Indhold Innehåll Περιεχόμενο nal von minden GmbH nal von minden GmbH CEOs: S. von Minden,: Schikanederstraße 2 a Carl-Peschken-Str. 9 R. Meißner, T. Zander D-93053 Regensburg D-47441 Moers Internet: www.nal-vonminden.de Fon: +49 (941)29010-0 Fon: +49 (2841) 99820-0 E-Mail: [email protected]...