13. Check of the response- and recovery time of the sensor by performing a "bump test"
After check and eventual adjustments of the sensor off-set, a function control is to be carried out. By
exposing the sensor to a small amount of concentrated gas directly to the sensor head, the response-
and recovery time can be checked. The sensor head shall be exposed, and eventual splash protection
removed during the test.
The comprehension is that the sensor signal is within the "normal" area when exposed to clean air (the
green area of the sensor graph)
- Expose the sensor to the actual gas for 5 sec maximum, the sensor should react instantly and reach
> 4VDC within 2-5 sec.
- The signal output should reach the start level within ~ 5 minutes after finished gas exposure. (see
graphs below)
Most SC-sensors can be checked with Butane gas, as used in ordinary cigarette
The graph below shows the quick response- and recovery time for a healthy sensor
Example, sensor graph
743-600-G1 MCT150 Operating Manual 200304