9. Connect the instrument to the test-socket of the detector
The small guide at the cable-socket should be pointing to the right, when the three potentiometers for
alarm threshold adjustment of the actual unit, are located underneath the test terminal socket:
10. Check the system voltage of the detector
The system voltage of the detector shall be 5 VDC ± 0,15V
If the deviation is larger, check the power supply of the detector.
11. Check the detector output
Make sure that the sensor head of the sensor module and the detector are identical.
- The detector has to be powered for at least one hour before control is carried out,
and it should not be exposed to draft.
The sensor output of the connected detector is visualized at the very left of the upper row of digits.
This value is to be compared with the value of the reference sensor within the MCT150. Adjust the
value of the detector via the potentiometer, marked "GV-offset pot" (see picture, page 2) to reach the
similar value as of the ref-sensor. See the instruction of the specific detector.
At large deviations, > +-0,5VDC, the sensor head is probably damaged/poisoned, and
shall be replaced.
743-600-G1 MCT150 Operating Manual 200304