Adjustment Of Carburetor; Check-Up & Adjustment Of Air Valve Gap - Serpento PYTHON 250 Manual De Usuario Y Mantenimiento

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Adjustment of Carburetor

l"hidlin.f( speP.d ol lhP. P.n.f(inP. should he carried out with a hot enxine.
$et the idlinJ( .<;(Jeed 1!1 the required value hy the help ol the idlint: speed adjustint: screw with the vehic:le standinx on a ll11t xround.
·n,., ,..,,prir..,t1 idlin"l'"t-rl:1.500r/min.
Check-up & Adjustment of Air Valve Gap
:\oise will tern from too big gap of the air valve.HuwPver if there is too small gap or even no gap at all,dosing of the valve ·will he
hindered;which ·will cause hum of the valve and output drop.Therefon ,the air valve gap must he checked periodically.
Tornillo para ajustar el ralentí
The gap of the alr valve should he insper:ted and adjusted with a cold engine by the follnwing procerhmc s: CDRemove the caps of the
central hole and the top hole(the ignition timing observation hole)in the left crankease cover.
(j Remove the caps ol Lhe l\-vo air valves on the cvlindcr head.
(j)Inscrllhe "T11 kcv inlo Lhc cenlnJ hok of the erankcasc eovcr,jarn il agaim;l ghc nul ol lhc flying \·dud and then tum the flving wheel
dockwise until the engraved "T" mark on the flying ·whPPl aligns with the engraved limon the top of the crankcase cover. wing the rocking arm
slightlv.A loose rocking ann(which indicates the existence of cleanmce)shows that the piston is in the lnwer stop position of the comprPssing
stroke. In this case,continuonslv turn the I!Tn kPv colckwise for 360 degrPes 1mtil the alignment of thosf' engTaved marks,-.;vhere the valvP
can hf' adj11sted. Alterwards,cheek the valve gap by inserting a leeler in hehveen the valve adjusting screw ancllhe end olthe valve.


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