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Multi-Purpose Core and Tooth Build-Up Resin
Dual Cure • Fluoride Releasing • Hydrophilic
Radiopaque • Self-adhesive • Self-etching to Dentin
Spee-Dee Build-Up is a multi-purpose, dual cure, resin-based dental restorative and core build-up
material. Formulated with Pulpdent's proprietary Embrace resin chemistry, it is moisture tolerant
and has self-adhesive and self-etching properties that are compatible with all bonding agents. The
material is fluoride releasing and radiopaque. It contains no Bisphenol A, no Bis-GMA, and no BPA
Spee-Dee Build-Up is dense like dentin and therefore cuts like dentin. Spee-Dee's acidic
monomer interacts with the urethane resin to produce a greater conversion of double bonds and
a more complete cure, resulting in a denser material with increased hardness. As a result, rotary
instruments transition smoothly from tooth to Spee-Dee, cut accurately, and do not ditch, gouge,
gum up or chatter.
Spee-Dee Build-Up is used for core build-up, post cementation, and as a multi-purpose repair
material for fractured cusps and broken down teeth, defects in crown preparations, lost partial or
whole fillings, and chipped or broken crowns or bridges.
Posts and cores can be placed in one step ensuring a homogeneous, one-piece internal structure.
Spee-Dee Build-Up also serves as an ideal core material in those cases where no post is
indicated (as in fractures) because it flows into cracks and voids, bonds to tooth structure and is
In restorations with retention form, Spee-Dee Build-Up's self-adhesive and self-etching properties
may be sufficient for post and core procedures without the use of a bonding agent. However, to
achieve highest bond strengths, etching and bonding agents are recommended.
Physical Properties
Compressive strength: 44,080 psi / 304 MPa
Flexural strength: 14,065 psi / 97 MPa
Self-cure intra-oral setting time at 37°C: 3:15 minutes
Light cure setting time: 20 seconds for a halogen light with a minimum of 300 mW/cm
cure = 4 mm. Cures with all lights. More powerful lights will cure faster.
How to use the double barrel cartridge:
1. Remove cap. If necessary bleed the cartridge so that base and catalyst are at the orifice of the
barrels. Place a mixing tip on the double barrel cartridge.
2. To ensure an even mix of base and catalyst, dispense 2-3 mm of material onto a pad and
discard this material.
3. Dispense evenly mixed material directly onto the tooth or into the restoration.
4. Discard mixing tip. Recap cartridge. Do not cross-contaminate base and catalyst.
To achieve highest bond strengths, etching and bonding agents are recommended. If Spee-Dee
Build-Up is used without etching and bonding agents, lightly dry tooth surface and remove excess
water with compressed air or a cotton pellet, and apply Spee-Dee Build-Up to the slightly moist
tooth. Slightly moist tooth surfaces exhibit neither dryness nor pooling of water. Tooth surfaces
should be shiny or glossy. Overly wet tooth surfaces will result in decreased bond strength.
Ceramic, metal, resin desensitized, prehybridized and cured resin surfaces should be dry.
Vital Tooth Build-up
1. Remove the old restoration and/or decay.
2. To achieve highest bond strengths, etch and place bonding agent according to the
manufacturer's instructions. Light cure. A dual cure bonding agent is recommended with
self-cure and dual cure resin core materials.
3. Remove cap from double barrel cartridge. If necessary bleed the cartridge so that base and
catalyst are at the orifice of the barrels.
4. Place a mixing tip on the double barrel cartridge and insert into an appropriate 1:1 cartridge
dispenser. To ensure an even mix of base and catalyst, dispense 2-3 mm of material onto a pad
and discard this material.
5. Dispense material into the preparation site. Light cure for 20 seconds. The material will also
self-cure. Carefully recap cartridge. Do not cross-contaminate base and catalyst.
6. Prepare build-up to receive the restoration.
Non-Vital Tooth Post and Core Build-up
1. Prepare post space using post system of choice.
2. To achieve highest bond strengths, etch and place dual cure bonding agent according to
manufacturer's instructions.
3. Remove cap from double barrel cartridge. If necessary bleed the cartridge so that base and
catalyst are at the orifice of the barrels.
4. Place a mixing tip on the double barrel cartridge and insert into an appropriate 1:1 cartridge
dispenser. To ensure an even mix of base and catalyst, dispense 2-3 mm of material onto a pad
and discard this material.
5. Dispense Spee-Dee Build-Up into the post hole and place the post. Light cure for 20 seconds.
The material will also self-cure.
. Depth of

Resumen de contenidos para Pulpdent Spee-Dee

  • Página 1 To ensure an even mix of base and catalyst, dispense 2-3 mm of material onto a pad and discard this material. 5. Dispense Spee-Dee Build-Up into the post hole and place the post. Light cure for 20 seconds. The material will also self-cure.
  • Página 2 GMA, y ningun derivado del BPA. Spee-Dee Build-Up es denso como la dentina y por lo tanto tiene propiedades similares a esta. Monómero ácido Spee-Dee interactúa con la resina de uretano para producir una mayor conversión de doble adhesivo y una polimerización mas completa, dando como resultado un material mas denso y de mayor dureza.
  • Página 3 Para lograr las mayores fuerzas de adhesión, se recomienda el uso del grabado acido y los agentes adhesivos, secar suavemente la superficie dental y remover el exceso de agua con aire comprimido o con una bolita de algodón, y aplicar Spee-Dee Build-Up al diente ligeramente humedecido.
  • Página 4 Spee-Dee Build-Up sur la dent légèrement humide. Les surfaces de la dent doivent être luisantes. Les surfaces de la dent trop humides diminueront la résistance de la liaison.
  • Página 5 - Pour usage professionnel par le personnel dentaire seulement. - Pulpdent Spee-Dee Build-Up peut causer de l’irritation aux yeux et à la peau sur contact. Prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires pour éviter le contact avec les yeux et les tissus mous. Si le matériau entre en contact avec les yeux, rincer copieusement avec de l’eau. Si le matériau entre en contact avec la peau, laver la peau avec du savon et de l’eau.
  • Página 6 5. Applizieren Sie Spee-Dee Build-Up in die Präparation für den Stift und setzen Sie den Stift ein. Führen Sie eine Lichthärtung von 20 Sekunden durch. Das Material härtet auch von selbst. 6. Bauen Sie den Stumpf unter Anwendung der „CrownUp“-Methode auf, indem Sie Material applizieren, es aushärten lassen, weiteres Material applizieren, es aushärten lassen und dies wiederholen, bis der gewünschte Aufbau erreicht ist.