Remote and System operations
Passive arming/locking
The system can be programmed to arm/lock itself au to mat i cal ly (called
pas sive arming/locking). If the system is programmed for passive arming/
locking, it will automatically arm/lock 30 seconds after the ignition is
turned off and the system detects that you have left the vehicle by opening
and closing a door. Whenever the system is in its 30-sec ond passive arm-
ing/locking count down, the status LED will lash twice as fast as it does
when the system is armed/locked. At the 20-second point of the count-
down, the siren/horn will sound to indicate that the system is about to
arm/lock. At the 30-second point, the parking lights will lash to indicate
that the system is armed/locked.
Note: If any protected entry point (such as a door or a switch-protected
trunk or hood) is open, the system will not passively arm/lock (unless
forced passive arming/locking is programmed on). See Programming
Options section in the expanded version of this manual online at www.
Warn away
response (security only)
A Warn Away Response consists of an alarm page along with the
responses described below.
Shock Sensor - Light impacts to the vehicle will lash the vehicle
lights and sound the siren/horn for a few seconds.
Remote Control Notiication - Ten quick beeps (or one vibration).
The remote will enter Page Recognition Mode and operate alarm
page alerts.
Note: Icons 12 and 13 represent alarm system zone inputs. For more
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