Maintenance - Back-up Pump
For batteries with top caps that
can be removed, the electrolyte
level should be checked and fi lled
to manufacturer's specifi cations.
The charge for each cell should
be checked with a hydrometer. A
specifi c gravity of 1.265 indicates
the battery is at full charge. If the
specifi c gravity of any of the cells
varies more than .050, the battery
should be replaced.
Troubleshooting Chart - Primary Pump
Possible Cause(s)
Pump will not
1. Blown fuse
start or run
2. Low line voltage
3. Defective motor
4. Impeller
5. Defective switch
Pump starts and
1. Backfl ow of water from piping
stops too often
2. Incoming water is draining on
sensor face
Pump will not
1. Obstacle in piping
shut off or
2. Low Line Voltage
thermal protector
3. Too many appliances on circuit
turns off
4. Dirty water sensor
5. Incoming water is draining on
sensor face
6. Defective switch
Pump operates
1. Plugged impeller
but delivers little
2. Check valve installed backwards
or no water
3. Pump airlocked
4. Low line voltage
Gurgling sound
1. Air injested into pump
from pump at
2. Time required for pumping is less
end of cycle
than 4 seconds
NOTE: An inexpensive hydrometer
can be purchased at an automotive
parts dealer.
Inspect the terminals and clamps
for corrosion and tightness. Clean
and tighten as required.
Unplug the main pump and fi ll
sump with water until back up
pump turns on. Repeat process two
times to be sure pump is operating
Corrective Action
1. If blown, replace with proper sized fuse or reset breaker
2. If voltage is under 108 volts, check wiring size
3. Replace pump
4. If impeller will not turn, remove housing and remove blockage
5. Check / replace switch
1. Install or replace check valve
2. Position pump switch away from the inlet so switch is clear
from incoming water (see Figure 1)
1. Remove pump and clean pump and piping
2. If voltage is under 108 volts, check wiring size
3. Install pump on dedicated circuit.
IMPORTANT: Do not use extension cord to power pump.
4. Clean sensor face (see Figure 3)
5. Position pump switch away from the inlet so switch is clear
from incoming water (see Figure 1)
6. Replace switch
1. Clean out impeller
2. Reverse position of check valve
3. Drill 1/8" hole in discharge line between pump and check valve
4. If voltage is under 108 volts, check wiring size
1. Wipe off surface of sensor (see Figure 3)
2. Additional run time will not damage pump
WSS10, WSS20, WSS30
If pump operates normally,
plug charger into wall outlet,
turn on main pump. If pump
fails to operate normally, see
Troubleshooting guide and correct
problem. Repeat step 5.