Pull the rope tight out of the ascender and drop until the knot passes over the ascender
"A" (picture 31).
Insert the dropping rope in the ascender "A" again and close it (picture 32), drop until it locks,
take the ascender "B" off the rope, give a hand lever blow to unlock the ascender "A" again and
keep on dropping keeping the ascender safety always lifted with two fingers (picture 33).
FIG. 31
When the knot comes at about 10 cm from the ascender "A" (picture 34), place the ascender
"B" above the knot as far as possible (stretched tape) (picture 35). Open the ascender "A" wide,
pull the rope tight out of it and begin the recovery keeping the ascender "B" still with a hand
until the knot passes over the ascender "A" (picture 36).
FIG. 34
10 cm
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FIG. 32
FIG. 35
via XXV Aprile, 4 - 23804 MONTE MARENZO (LC) - ITALY
FIG. 33
FIG. 36