DANGER!! Do not carry out any checking, maintenance and repair operations with
the engine running.
Chain-maintenance and sharpening
If the chain is correctly sharpened, using the chain saw will be effortless, a better cutting
performance will be achieved, and no excessive wear and tear of the mechanical parts
and of the guide bar will occur.
If the chain is under-lubricated, increase the oil flow by turning the oil pump adjusting
screw anticlockwise (fig.19).
Before sharpening, the chain must be taut by means of the chain tensioner (fig.10) see
After sharpening, slacken the chain by following the installation instructions.
During the sharpening operation, lock the chain in position by applying the brake.
Use a round file (specially designed for chains) with a 5/32" (4.0 mm) diameter, fig.20 item
Check the sharpening angles as shown in (fig.20 items 2-3).
Sharpen the chain by filing it from the inside to the outside (fig.20 item 5) all the teeth on
one side, then all the teeth on the opposite side.
Position the file so that it overhangs by around 1mm (fig.20 item4) over the level where
the cutters are located.
Chain replacement
If the chain must be replaced, a genuine part must be used or, in any case, a chain with
the same features (low kickback) and with a safety link (fig.38).
See the dimensions in the TECHNICAL DATA table.
Chain lubrication:
before each job, please check the efficiency of the chain lubrication and test the oil level in the
tank (see charter 6 ); do not work without chain lubrication: even a short use without lubrication,
would definitely damage either the bar or the chain.
The efficiency of the oil flow can be tested (with accelerated engine) by keeping the tip of the
bar near a surface in order to see some oil drops (fig.39). Adjust, if needed, the oil flow
(paragraph 8.11 and fig.39).
Drive sprocked:
check the teeth wear , clearance on cranck shaft and rubricate the bearing with bearings
Guide bar
Periodically clean the chain sliding groove and the oil ports.
Lubricate the pinion with bearing grease.
Turn the guide bar upside down (with any maintenance operation) to ensure a consistent