Live Healthy.
What is Negative Ion?
Many people think of the anion as a "mysterious" substance. However, the anion is not
a substance but an electrical term that indicates a negative charge. If the molecule
or atom of a substance gains one or more electron through a certain stimulation, it
becomes anion or a negative ion. If it loses an electron, it becomes a cation. Therefore,
there are many different kinds of negative ions according to the scientific definition.
Many researches show that oxygen negative ions enter the body through breathing,
react with hemoglobin to get mixed into to blood, and are then carried to various parts
of the body to facilitate metabolism. It promotes cellular activity, and as a result it
boosts the immune system, among other things. When exposed frequently to an abun-
dant supply of anion, all the bodily organs—including the nervous system, cells, blood
and lymph nodes—become revitalized and strengthened. The negative ion raises the
ionization ratio of the minerals in the blood, such as calcium, sodium and potassium. It
also cleanses the blood through the electrical transport of substances across the cell
membrane and increase the amount of globulin (the immune substance contained in
the serum), thus bolstering the immune system.
In an experiment conducted in Israel, colon bacillus, protozoa and other bacteria were
exposed to the atmospheric negative ions. Within six hours the number had been
reduced by more than 50%. The results of a U.S. study show that when people are
exposed to anionized air they lose excess weight and sleep better.
Migun Mini-Mat Duo
Negative Ion Comparison Chart
Forest Migun
*About 400cc of negative ions are
beneficial for human body.
What is Electro-Magnetic Field(EMF)?
Built in non-magnetic field heat rays
and bimetal prevents the production of EMF.
Electro-magnetic waves are made up of a combination of electric waves and magnetic
waves. Together this is known as Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF). This EMF causes
Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). Between the magnetic waves and electric waves,
the magnetic waves have been proven to be especially harmful to your body. These are
also the most difficult to neutralize in protecting our health. Studies show long-term
exposure to electro-magnetic waves can lead to leukemia, a lower sperm count in men,
and irregular menstruation in women or possibly even birth defects. In severe cases,
electro-magnetic waves can cause miscarriage and brain tumors.
Migun Ionic Comfort Rug is designed to totally neutralize electromagnetic waves!
When the Migun Ionic Comfort Rug neutralizes harmful EMF waves, it allows you to
achieve both, the deep healing NREM (non-rapid eye movement sleep) and REM (rapid
Eye Movement sleep). Both sleep stages are very important for your healing. Awaking
undisturbed from REM allows you to feel more refreshed and vibrant than having your
sleep cycle disrupted. Studies have also shown you age faster when you don't sleep
well. So get your healthy sleep now with a Migun Ionic Comfort Rug!
Live Healthy.
Wire 1
Electric Current 1
0% EMF
Wire 2
Electric Current 2
Migun Mini-Mat Duo