Important notes
Lumbar support
Dear user, The Dynamics lumbar sup-
port assists your lumbar spine by means
of its compressive effect. The incorporated
air padding can be individually adjusted in
an optimum way via the integrated pump.
Fitting instructions
The fitting instructions in pictures can be found
on the fold-over page at the beginning of the
Before putting on the support, please open all Velcro
fasteners. Place the support around the body and close
the Velcro fastener of the inner strap in front of your
stomach so that it is comfortably secure. The lower
edge (marked by a small loop) should be in the lowest
area of the lumbar spine. Please ensure that the loop is
centrally positioned.
Now close the outer tension straps by pulling them
towards the front and Velcro fastening the left and then
the right strap to the body belt. The pressure can be
individually adjusted.
Next inflate the air padding by pressing the blue air
pump several times until the padding sits comfortably
and provides the required support. While inflating the
padding, the valve must be closed (i. e. turned towards
"Inflate"). In order to release air from the padding, turn
the valve towards "Deflate" and then close it again. Do
not overinflate the padding with air and do not close
the valve too firmly.
The gel cushion provided can be used in
the support for heat therapy in the case of
back pain.
Ofa Bamberg wishes you a speedy
Use with gel cushion
Please consult your doctor before using the gel cushion
provided. For heat therapy, place the cushion in the
microwave for 20 seconds at a low setting. Then check
the temperature of the cushion with your forearm.
If necessary, repeat the procedure until the required
temperature has been reached. Velcro fasten the heated
gel cushion to the air padding using Velcro (figure 4)
and fit the support as described.
Please note
– The initial adjustment and strapping on of the
product must be carried out by qualified specialist
– Wear the product over a thin close-fitting shirt. If it
has to be worn in combination with other products,
please discuss this with your doctor beforehand.
– During long periods of rest (e. g. when sleeping) the
product should be removed.
– If you experience an unpleasant sensation, intense
pain or any other problem when wearing the product,
then remove it and contact your doctor or specialist
– We use a comprehensive quality assurance system
to check our products. However, should there still be
reason for complaint, please contact your specialist