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Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild

Resumen de contenidos para Next Level Racing FLIGHT SIMULATOR LITE

  • Página 1 T A K E I T T O T H E S K I E S Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild INSTRUCTION MANUAL *ELECTRONICS NOT INCLUDED...
  • Página 2 T O T H E N E X T L E V E L® instruction booklet to fully optimize your product. N E X T L E V E L R A C I N G . C O M ASSEMBLY VIDEO bit.ly/nlrbuild @next_level_racing @nextlevelracingOfficial @nextlvlracing Next Level Racing FOLLOW [email protected]...
  • Página 3 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] PRE-FLIGHT IN THE CHECKS WARNING • Please do not use power tools for assembly as over tightening can damage your frame. • Do not adjust the hubs while user is sitting in cockpit. Make sure user is out of the cockpit before adjusting. •...
  • Página 4 PRODUCT WARNINGS Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Rotate clockwise to Pull to open tighten & anti-clockwise and adjust seat to loosen Make sure the hubs are tightened fully before using the cockpit. (spin the hub clockwise to ensure it is fully tight) Do not adjust the hubs while user is sitting in cockpit, Make sure user is out Keep fingers away from internal hub...
  • Página 5 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] PARTS PARTS 2 X M5 30MM BOLT 2 X M5 NUT 2 X M5 WASHER Repeat on other side 1.0 Install the head rest to the back rest as shown and secure with a nut, bolt and washer from plastic bag.
  • Página 6 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] PARTS PARTS 10.0 10.0 YOKE SETUP 3 X M6 30MM FULLY THREADED STUD 3 X 10MM NYLON SPACER YOKE 3 X M6 FLANGE NUT SETUP 10.0 Install M6 studs to the flight plate then using the nylon spacers between the flight plate and 7.0 Remove the pre-installed nut and bolt from the hub then install the adjuster plate.
  • Página 7 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] PARTS PARTS ANGLE DISTANCE TIPS: For pedal angle adjustment. Push pins to release end bar. Remove, rotate and re-install. DISTANCE PARTS HOW TO FOLD ANGLE HEIGHT HEIGHT SCAN DISTANCE 11.0 Cockpit adjustability shown above. TIPS: Loosen steering strap, undo locking hook then fold forward. PARTS If you have installed the strengthening tube please remove before folding...
  • Página 8 THUSTMASTER® TPR Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] RUDDERS INSTALLATION PARTS PARTS 4 X M6 30MM FULLY THREADED STUD 01 Install 2 studs to the top outside holes (a) then install 2 studs to the bottom as shown (b). 03 Line up your TPR rudders with the TPR adapter studs. PARTS PARTS 2 X M6 WASHER...
  • Página 9 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] PARTS 2 X M6 15MM BOLT 4 X M6 WASHER 2 X M6 FLANGE NUT WARNING Do not use power tools for assembly as over tightening can damage your frame. Do not adjust the hubs while user is sitting in cockpit. Make sure user is out of the cockpit before adjusting Make sure the hubs are tightened fully before using the cockpit (spin the hub clockwise to ensure it is fully tight) Make sure strap on wheel bar is tight when adjusting the hubs otherwise the wheel will fall when hubs are open.
  • Página 10 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] NOTES NOTES...
  • Página 11 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Manuel d’instructions Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite Instructiehandleiding Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite VOTRE VOYAGE DE FLIGHT SIM COMMENCE ICI UW VLUCHTSIM-REIS BEGINT HIER Nous savons que vous avez hâte de commencer à voler! Prenez votre temps avec les instructions et suivez ce guide pour assembler votre produit. Vous vous préparerez à réussir en suivant le livret d’instruc- We weten dat je gretig bent om te gaan vliegen! Neem de tijd met de instructies en volg deze gids om uw product in elkaar te zetten.
  • Página 12 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Manuale di istruzioni Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite Manual de instrucciones IL TUO VIAGGIO IN SIM DI VOLO INIZIA QUI TU VIAJE DE VUELO SIM COMIENZA AQUÍ Sappiamo che non vedi l’ora di iniziare a volare! Prenditi il tuo tempo con le istruzioni e segui questa guida per assemblare il tuo prodotto. Ti preparerai al successo seguendo il libretto di istruzioni per ottimizza- ¡Sabemos que está...
  • Página 13 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Next Level Racing® Flugsimulator Lite Bedienungsanleitung NextLevelRacing FlightSimulatorLite取扱説明書 IHRE FLUG-SIM-REISE BEGINNT HIER あなたのフライトSIMの旅はここから始まります あなたが飛行を始めたいと思っていることを私たちは知っています!指示に従って時間をかけて、このガイドに従って製品を組み立ててください。取扱説明書に従 Wir wissen, dass Sie gerne fliegen möchten! Nehmen Sie sich Zeit mit den Anweisungen und befolgen Sie diese Anleitung, um Ihr Produkt zusammenzubauen. Sie können sich auf den Erfolg einstellen, indem って製品を完全に最適化することで、成功への準備を整えます。...
  • Página 14 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Manual de instruções do Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite Руководство по эксплуатации Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite SUA VIAGEM DO SIM DE VÔO COMEÇA AQUI ВАШЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ НА SIM-карту НАЧИНАЕТСЯ ЗДЕСЬ Sabemos que você está ansioso para começar a voar! Leve o seu tempo com as instruções e siga este guia para montar o seu produto. Você estará se preparando para o sucesso seguindo o livreto de Мы...
  • Página 15 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite Kullanım Kılavuzu Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite Návod k použití UÇUŞ SIM YOLCULUĞUNUZ BURADA BAŞLIYOR VAŠE LETOVÁ SIM CESTA ZAČÍNÁ ZDE Uçmaya başlamak için hevesli olduğunuzu biliyoruz! Talimatlara zaman ayırın ve ürününüzü monte etmek için bu kılavuzu izleyin. Ürününüzü tam olarak optimize etmek için talimat kitapçığını izleyerek kendinizi Víme, že toužíte začít létat! Při sestavování...
  • Página 16 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] Instrukcja obsługi Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite ‫ تاميلعت‬Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Lite TUTAJ ROZPOCZYNA SIĘ PODRÓŻ PRZEZ SIM ‫ ةلحر أدبت انه‬SIM ‫كتلحرب ةصاخلا‬ Wiemy, że chcesz zacząć latać! Nie spiesz się z instrukcjami i postępuj zgodnie z tym przewodnikiem, aby złożyć produkt. Przygotujesz się na sukces, postępując zgodnie z instrukcją, aby w pełni zoptymal- ‫.لماكلاب...
  • Página 17 Video Instruction: bit.ly/nlrbuild [email protected] INSTALLING THRUSTMASTER® TPR RUDDERS TR: Yüklemek Thrustmaster® TPR Rudders 01. Lütfen resme bakın. Üst dış deliklere (1) 2 saplama takın, ardından gösterildiği gibi (2) aşağıya 2 saplama takın 02. Lütfen resme bakın. TPR adaptörünün altındaki saplamaları kullanarak, adaptörü somunlarla sabitleyen dümen plakası üzerindeki yarıklı delikten geçirin. NL: Installeren Thrustmaster®...
  • Página 18 [email protected] [email protected]...