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EM49, one chair two benefits. mesh The elasticized mesh of the backrest provides constant lumbar support and reduces fatigue. La rete elasticizzata dello schienale consente di avere un costante supporto lombare riducendo l’affaticamento. Pour la version fauteuil de bureau, le dossier est équipé d’un support lombaire réglable en hauteur.
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light The new Gemma S co-moulded fabric applied to the backrest ensures maximum comfort for every user. Il nuovo tessuto costampato gemma S applicato allo schienale garantisce un comfort ideale ad ogni utilizzatore. Le nouveau tissu co-moulé Gemma S appliqué au dossier garantit le confort absolu de chaque utilisateur.
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Adjustments are not optional but a daily requirement. EM49 is the ideal chair for various users in work environments, since the seat automatically adapts to weight and movements, with backrest tilting up to 20° thanks to a self-adjusting synchronized device.
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The fire-retardant mesh in STRICKTEX, free from toxic substances, is easy to clean and guarantees quality and durability La rete ignifuga STRICKTEX, priva di sostanze tossiche, è facile da pulire e garantisce qualità e durata nel tempo. La maille de résille ignifuge STRICKTEX, sans substances toxiques, est facile à...
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EM49, the ergonomic chair for shared work.
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EM49 è la poltroncina ideale in ambienti dove si alternano più utilizzatori, EM49 è la poltroncina ideale in ambienti dove si alternano più utilizzatori, perché la seduta si conforma al peso e ai movimenti automaticamente.Lo perché la seduta si conforma al peso e ai movimenti automaticamente.Lo schienale offre una resistenza elastica ed oscilla all’indietro in funzione del...
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An optimum position in a few seconds. With the self-adjusting device (page 10), With the seat/backrest synchronized the backrest provides elastic resistance and tilts movement device the spine always backwards according to the user’s weight, maintains the correct posture. without requiring manual adjustment. 20°...
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A question of height. The height of the backrest can be raised by 60 mm to find the ideal lumbar support for the user’s spine. L’altezza dello schienale può aumentare di 60 mm per ricercare il sostegno lombare ideale alla propria colonna vertebrale.
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Adjustment devices a. regolazione altezza seduta a gas a. réglage en hauteur de l’assise à gaz b. blocco / sblocco oscillazione dello schienale b. blocage / déblocage de l’inclinaison du dossier c. regolazione altezza dello schienale c. réglange en hauteur du dossier d.
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meccanismo sincronizzato autotarabile bloccabile in 4 posizioni / le mécanisme auto-réglable églable sur 4 positions/ selbstarretierbarer mechanismus 4-fach blockierbar/ mecanismo autocalibrable con bloqueo de 4 posiciones a. height-adjustable gas-lift seat b. backrest tilting lock / release c. back height adjustment d.
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synchronized device lockable in 5-positions and lateral tension adjustment / meccanismo sincronizzato bloccabile in 5 posizioni e controllo di tensione laterale / mécanisme synchronisé qui se bloque en 5 positions et contrôle de tension latéral / synchronisierter mechanismus, 5-fach blockierbar und seitenspannungskontrolle / mecanismo sincronizado con bloqueo de 5 posiciones y control de tensión lateral a.
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a. height-adjustable gas-lift seat b. backrest tilting lock / release c. backrest resistance adjustment according to user’s weight d. back height adjustment e. seat depth adjustment f. seat tilt adjustment by 5° forwards (optional) g. height-adjustable and width adjustable armrests (on request) h.
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EM49 Design R&S Emmegi Operator’s office chair with load-bearing seat in plastic with steel reinforcement, protective under-seat casing in black polypropylene, CFC-free cold-foamed polyurethane padding, upholstered with side seam stitching outlining the edges of the seat. The seat is available either fixed or with depth adjustment integrated in the seat, with a 60 mm range.
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Poltrona per ufficio operativo con sedile Fauteuil de bureau avec siège en matière Arbeitsbürosessel mit tragender Silla de oficina con asiento plástico portante in materiale plastico con plastique avec renfort et armature en Sitzfläche aus Kunststoff mit con refuerzo de acero, cubierta rinforzo in acciaio, carter di copertura acier, carter de protection sous l’assise Stahlverstärkung, Abdeckgehäuse...
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EMMEGI applies and maintains an effective Environmental Management System in compliance with the requisites of the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard, in accordance with Quality Management System 9001: 2008, taking great efforts to implement pollution prevention with regard to water, air and the ground in organisational, operational and technological terms.
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28010536 finito di stampare febbraio 2015 Emmegi Srl Via Lombardia, 8 35043 Monselice (PD) Italy Tel. +39 0429 782587 Fax +39 0429 72005 [email protected] www.emmegiseating.com...