DR560 Tip Care
The intake tube should be periodically cleaned by the largest rod.
DO NOT press the vacuum pump button while tinning the desoldering tip, as the fumes given off
by the flux would quickly block the ducts and the air filter.
Desoldering process
Use a tip with a larger diameter than the pad to achieve maximum aspiration and thermal efficiency.
1. Placing
Place the tip with the
component terminal in
the hole.
After pressing the desoldering key there is a slight delay until the self-contained vacuum pump
stops. This makes sure that the vacuum circuit is completely empty. If any solder remains are left
on a terminal after desoldering it, resolder it with fresh solder and repeat the desoldering operation.
2. Rotating
When the solder liquefies,
gently rotate the tip so that
the compo nent terminal
can be lifted off.
3. Aspirating
Press the vacuum pump
button long enough to remove
the solder.