Dear Customer,
This information will help you to use and handle the remote
control of the iMatJet® safely and as intended and,
if necessary, to dispose of it.
This manual is part of the product. Read it carefully
Dear Customer,
and follow all instructions to ensure a long service life
and reliable usability. Keep it for future reference.
This information will help you to use and handle the remote
control of the iMatJet® safely and as intended and,
Please include this manual when passing the unit on to third
if necessary, to dispose of it.
parties. Please note the illustrations on the last page.
This manual is part of the product. Read it carefully
Complaint process
and follow all instructions to ensure a long service life
and reliable usability. Keep it for future reference.
imtech GmbH & Co. KG carries the legal warranty obligation
for this product. This service applies to material and
Please include this manual when passing the unit on to third
manufacturing defects. Proof of purchase must be kept
parties. Please note the illustrations on the last page.
to determine the warranty period.
Complaint process
The warranty does not apply in the following cases: Failure
to observe the operating instructions, improper or incorrect
imtech GmbH & Co. KG carries the legal warranty obligation
handling, installation or use, as well as damage, scratches
for this product. This service applies to material and
or wear. Nor in the case of unauthorized changes, opening
manufacturing defects. Proof of purchase must be kept
of the casing, interventions or repairs as well as damage
to determine the warranty period.
from other devices, acts of God or transport.
The warranty does not apply in the following cases: Failure
If you would like to make a claim, please send us an email
to observe the operating instructions, improper or incorrect
with a detailed description of the defect and your contact
handling, installation or use, as well as damage, scratches
or wear. Nor in the case of unauthorized changes, opening
will then inform you of the next steps. Otherwise, the general
of the casing, interventions or repairs as well as damage
warranty of 2 years applies within the EU.
from other devices, acts of God or transport.
Suitability of Users
If you would like to make a claim, please send us an email
with a detailed description of the defect and your contact
Unsupervised children must not have access to the device.
Make sure that children cannot play with the device.
will then inform you of the next steps. Otherwise, the general
This equipment can be used by persons with physical,
warranty of 2 years applies within the EU.
sensory or mental impairment if they are instructed and
Suitability of Users
Unsupervised children must not have access to the device.
Make sure that children cannot play with the device.
This equipment can be used by persons with physical,
sensory or mental impairment if they are instructed and
Intended Use
This remote control is only intended
for controlling the iMatJet®.
Safety instructions – Don'ts
Intended Use
Do not disassemble the device into its
individual parts. Do not try to fix it yourself.
This remote control is only intended
It does not contain any parts requiring
for controlling the iMatJet®.
Safety instructions – Don'ts
Safety instructions – Dos
Do not disassemble the device into its
Make sure to fully charge the batteries
individual parts. Do not try to fix it yourself.
before use. Use only the provided USB
It does not contain any parts requiring
charging cable for this.
Safety instructions – Dos
Safety information for people with
Make sure to fully charge the batteries
pacemakers: The device operates
before use. Use only the provided USB
at a frequency between
charging cable for this.
2.420 and 2.461 GHz.
Safety information for people with
Operating conditions, care and storage
pacemakers: The device operates
The casing is waterproof, but you should not try to keep the
at a frequency between
device under water for a long time willfully. Use only a damp
2.420 and 2.461 GHz.
cloth to clean the device. If you will not be using the remote
control for a long time, store it in a dry room.
Operating conditions, care and storage
The casing is waterproof, but you should not try to keep the
device under water for a long time willfully. Use only a damp
Never drive your iMatJet® further away
cloth to clean the device. If you will not be using the remote
from the shore than you could swim back.
control for a long time, store it in a dry room.
For safety, you should always have
a cell phone with you as well.
Never drive your iMatJet® further away
from the shore than you could swim back.
For safety, you should always have
Charging the remote control
the button ❶. Until the iMatJet® logo appears
Switch off the remote control - by pressing
on the display ❷.
Wireless Charge Pad ❹. Connect the cable to a USB
Connect the included micro USB cable
Charging the remote control
the button ❶. Until the iMatJet® logo appears
charging plugr
(is not included) and plug it into a
via car adapter ❻.
Switch off the remote control - by pressing
on the display ❷.
power source (USB port 5 volts). You can also use
the included power bank
Charge Pad ❹. After approx. 3 sec. the battery
Wireless Charge Pad ❹. Connect the cable to a USB
Place the remote control in the tray of the Wireless
Connect the included micro USB cable
symbol appears on the display.
charging plugr
(is not included) and plug it into a
via car adapter ❻.
appear, it is not loaded.
power source (USB port 5 volts). You can also use
When charging is complete, 6 filled bars appear in the
the included power bank
Charge Pad ❹. After approx. 3 sec. the battery
battery icon on the remote control display.
Place the remote control in the tray of the Wireless
The battery runtime is about 8 hours, the charging time
is about 6 hours.
symbol appears on the display.
appear, it is not loaded.
Batteries should never be charged unattended.
When charging is complete, 6 filled bars appear in the
Attach the antenna ❽, which is already connected to
Establish a wireless connection with the iMatJet®
battery icon on the remote control display.
The battery runtime is about 8 hours, the charging time
is about 6 hours.
the motor drive, to your iMatJet® under the left
armrest using Velcro.
Batteries should never be charged unattended.
Switch on the remote control by pressing the round
Attach the antenna ❽, which is already connected to
Establish a wireless connection with the iMatJet®
until the display shows "CONNECTED".
[Figure 3]
the motor drive, to your iMatJet® under the left
There is a loud, continuous tone, which is normal and not a
armrest using Velcro.
cause for concern.
Switch on the remote control by pressing the round
until the display shows "CONNECTED".
[Figure 3]
There is a loud, continuous tone, which is normal and not a
cause for concern.
to the
to the
[Figure 1]
If it does not
[Figure 2]
[Figure 1]
If it does not
[Figure 2]