Storage & Transport \
cleaning, drying and lubrication, store unpacked in a cool, dry, dark place
in a chemically neutral environment away from excessive heat or heat
sources, high humidity, sharp edges, corrosives or other possible causes
of damage. Do not store wet. (Fig 10D)
Repairs or Modifications \
any way. (Fig 10E)
Lubrication \
Perform lubrication as necessary. Apply a few drops of a
3- IN-ONE Mineral Oil Lubricant to the moving parts of the Fusion Rope
Wrench Tether Pulley. Allow to soak in. Lubrication should be carried out
after cleaning. (Fig 10F)
When to Retire from Service \
• The product fails any inspection (before, during, after use and
periodic in-depth inspection).
• It has been exposed to a fall or was significantly loaded.
• It was misused, altered, damaged, or exposed to harmful chemicals.
(Fig 10G)
• There is any doubt regarding its integrity.
Obsolescence \
A product may become obsolete before the end of its
lifespan. Reasons may include changes in applicable standards, regula-
tions, legislation, development of new techniques, incompatibility with
the other equipment, etc.
Rescue Plan \
It is important to make a plan for a rescue in the event
of an emergency BEFORE starting to work. It is also important to ensure
the user and/or the employer has a documented rescue plan and can
implement it. This implies an adequate training in the necessary rescue
Inspection Record \
person whose training meets the applicable standards and/or laws for
the inspection of life safety equipment.
An inspection log including the date, inspectors name, and result of the
inspection should be kept as a permanent record.
It is best to issue new equipment to each user so they know its entire
history. Use one copy as the permanent inspection record and keep the
other with the equipment.
Las actividades que implican el uso de este equipo son
inherentemente peligrosas.El usuario del producto es el único
responsable de sus acciones y decisiones.
Antes de usar este equipo, el usuario debe:
• Lea y comprenda todas las instrucciones de uso.
• Comprender, aceptar y asumir todos los riesgos y responsab-
ilidades por todos los daños, lesiones, o muerte que pueda
resultar del uso de este equipo.
• Obtenga la formación necesaria de un instructor
competente en su uso adecuado.
• Comprender y aceptar plenamente sus capacidades y
During transportation or after any necessary
Do not repair or modify your product in
Immediately retire any equipment if:
Inspections should be performed by a competent