Included with your Fast Find 220 PLB are:
A buoyancy pouch (float pouch)
A neck lanyard (not to scale)
A universal pouch
The product contains a lithium metal battery with a lithium content exceeding 2 g and a total net
quantity of 0.068 kg. It is classified as dangerous goods for transportation purposes: Class 9,
UN3091, Lithium metal Batteries Contained in Equipment.
Transport by air: the product cannot be carried on a passenger aircraft either as carry-on or
checked in baggage. For transport by air, the product must be packaged and shipped as cargo via
a qualified dangerous goods shipper. Packing instruction P970 Section 1 applies.
Transport by sea: It may be possible to carry the product in a private vehicle or as carry-on
baggage – this must be checked with the ferry company/shipping line prior to travel. If this is not
allowed, the product must be packaged and shipped as cargo via a qualified dangerous goods
shipper. Packing instruction P903 applies.
Transport by road: The transport of dangerous goods regulations do not apply to items carried in
a private vehicle for personal use. Product being transported by courier/road haulier must be
packaged and shipped as cargo via a qualified dangerous goods shipper. Packing instruction P903