KDK 10BAQ1 Manual De Instrucciones página 2

Discon nect power supply before maintenan ce
Desconecte la fuente de alimentaci6n antes del mantenimiento.
If the supp I y cord is damaged, it must be rep I aced by the manufacturer
or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to
avoid a hazard.
Si el cable de alimentaci6n esta daiia_ d o,el fabricante u agente de servicio o una
persona igualmente calificada debera reemplazarlo para -evitar danos.
..,i., J"~一上必心
I七心心心斗1婪.,.,l � IJ/!心心1 平 心吵匕吐,4迅.J4'11立u:._,.:; I斗
更换 。
This product is not intended for use by perso ns (inc I ud i ng chi I dren)
with reduced phys i ca I, sensory or menta I capab i I it i es, or I ack of
experience and knowle屯e, unless they have been given supervision or
truction concerning use of the product by a person responsible for
their safety. Chi I dren shou Id be supervised to ensure that they do not
p I ay with the product.
Este equipo no esta p ensado para ser usado por personas(inclu y endo
ninos),con reducida capacidadmental, fisica o sensorial, o falta de
experencia y concimiento, al menos que se les ha y a entrenado o
esten bajo sup rvisi6n en cuanto a su uso, por alguen responsable.
Los nines deben ser supervisados, para asegurarse que ellos no
juga由n con el equipo.
l :i.,.... 1
Ya--'J冲义夕必---上 心 j守 I J1,...Ll泣卢乒-产|于七巨冲
ul 穷 1
吐吐少卢巠 i归心1少心产 l ._,.il
户(芯y心凡;凸)-上六I J;i少上-义.,..乒内心II.,.
户IJ l 平丸'JI心上社户
. j4->J'4忐 产少一 心.il.'J l ..,Jt,
1. Never instal I this fan in the kitchen.
2. Never instal I this fan in the cei I ing.
3. Never i nsta I I th i is fan in a place where the temperature may rise
above 40
C (104
4. This fan shou Id be i nsta 11 ed so that the b I ades are more than 2. 3m
above the floor.
5. The fan shou Id be i nsta 11 ed by a qua I if i ed person.
6. For duct and partition fans, precautions must be taken to avoid the
back-flow of gases into the room from the open flue of gas or other
open-fire app I i ances.
Use a device for disconnection from the supply.which having a
contact separation of at I east 3mm in a 11 po I es (switch), which must
be incorporated in the fixed wiring in accordance with the local
electrical wiring rules.
8.Do not disassemble the unit for reconstruction.
9. When the product is no I onger to be used, it must not be I eft
in the p I ace but removed, to prevent it from poss i b I e fa 11 i ng.
10. The product must be mounted on a wa 11 strong enough. If can not
be ensured that the wa 11 w i 11 bear the weight of the mounted
product, that wal I must be reinforced for it to be strong
11. The special-purpose or dedicated parts, such as mounting
f i xtures, must be used i f such parts are provi ded
12.Do not instal I the product as the method which is not approved
in the instruction.
1.Nunca instale este ventilador en la cocina.
2.No instale el extractor en el techo.
3.Nunca instalar este extractor en locales en que la temp eratura pueda
llegar a superar los 40
4.No instale el extractor a menos d e 2 ,3 m del suelo.
\ 穷 I
5.EI extractor debe instalarse por una persona cualificada.
6. Adopte medidas apropiada par evitar que el gas sopla al interior al reves
a traves de los tubos generales o tubos cocinas cuando monta los tubos
y los ventiladores.
7.Se debe habe r un polos do bled singularizan que el interruptor del tiro con
el minimo 3mm hueco del contacto en el circuito de la instalacion fijo.
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