When working, the appropriate accident prevention regulations (in Germany BGV C22) must
be followed. For safety reasons, especially when entering the tank, it is important that a se-
cond person is present.
Furthermore, when carrying out assembly and installation work, inspection, maintenance and
repairs, all work regulations and norms must be followed. You will find the advice in the ap-
propriate sections of these instructions.
The installation of the system and/or single equipment parts must be carried out by a profes-
sional worker.
The complete system must always be out of operation and guarded against unauthorized
use when carrying out work on the plant or parts of the system.
The tank cover must always remain closed except when working in the tank, otherwise there
exists a very high danger of accidents. The seating and condition of the cover must be
checked on a regular basis.
The GRAF Company offers an extensive range of accessories that are all compatible with
one another and may be used to construct a complete system. The use of other manufactur-
er's accessories can impair the function of the system and liability for any resulting damages
will no longer be covered under the guarantee.
Labelling/Tagging obligation
All pipe work and outlets of the water systems are to be labelled with the words "Not drinking
water" either in words or graphically (German norm DIN 1988 Part 2, paragraph 3.3.2.) so
that after years of use, an accidental connection to the drinking water system is prevented.
Even when correctly labelled it may possibly be mistaken, for example by children. For this
reason, all the outlets of the systems process water must be fitted with child safe valves.
-Industrial-Filter external for pedestrian areas
The Filter with the green telescopic attachment and cover may only be installed in a
green area that is not traversed by traffic.
The amount of short-term load of the polyethylene cover is max. 150 kg, the long-term
area load max. 50 kg
The maximum installation depth to the filter bottom is 1320 mm.
Roof areas provided with a pipe connection of DN 150 = 750 m² and for DN 200 = 1500
-Industrial-Filter external for light traffic areas
Through the use of the telescopic attachment (anthracite) and the cast iron cover Class B
according to DIN EN 124 the filter may be installed in areas traversed by light traffic. Un-
der no circumstances are the tanks to be installed in areas traversed by heavy goods ve-
hicles or machinery (see point 5.3.2)
The earth covering above the inlet supply pipe must be at least 450 mm; the maximum
installation depth to the filter bottom is 1320 mm.
Roof areas provided with a pipe connection of DN 150 = 750 m² and for DN 200 = 1500
1. General notes
2. Installation requirements
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