Restrictions for felling trees. Do not try it for any reason!
• Do not cut trees under rain or strong winds. Wait to the weather to calm down.
• Do not cut tress with people or animals in the zone. The safe distance for passersby is explained in the section "When
operating the Chainsaw" in the Safety Warnings for using chainsaw in page 6.
• - Do not cut trees if the felling line has not been previously calculated. Avoid being crushed by a falling tree!
Limits for tree felling. Leave this jobs for the professionals!
• Do not cut extremely thin trees.
• Do not cut big trees with rotten branches, loose bark or hollow trunks. Heavy
-duty pushing or dragging equipment operated by professionals is needed.
• Do not cut trees close to electric wiring or buildings.
Preparations for felling trees
• Plan ahead at least two escape routes and clear the area
to prevent blockages. The optimum escape route is a
180° off the trajectory calculated for the felled tree with a
45° margin towards both sides.
• To calculate the fall of the tree, consider
the wind direction and strength, inclination
and balance of the tree and the placing of
its larger branches.
• Double heck the tree has no dead
branches that could fall over the operator
while cutting.
How to cut a tree
• Cut a notch 1/3 diameter of the trunk in the side
calculated it will fall.
• This notch shall be made through two cuts. The first
one horizontal and the second one at 40°
• It is important to make the cuts in the
previously mentioned order to prevent a piece of residual
wood lean on the chain bar and trap it or shoot it with
force into an undetermined direction.
• The third cut shall be made in the opposite side of the
notch. It shall be horizontal and shall stay 2" minimum
above the horizontal notch but not getting to it. Between
the notch and the third cut there shall be a 1/10 distance
off the trunk diameter to make a hinge that will control
the fall of the tree. This way unexpected movement or
trajectory is prevented while it falls or the violent
separation of the tree from its stump.
• Never make the third cut up to
reaching the notch. Otherwise the tree could fall out of
• When cutting trees with a large diameter stop the rear
cut before reaching such a depth that it makes the tree to
be settled and trap the chain bar.
• Before going on with the cut insert little by little wooden
or plastic wedges in the cut to keep it open.
Felling and Bucking
Debris Area
• Inserting the wedges can be enough to make the tree
fall. Otherwise the anti-kickback guard in the chain bar
nose shall need to be disassembled to insert it in the
cut without removing the wedges and continue
until a wedge is made.
• Install again the anti-kickback guard
as soon as finishing the cut.
• When the tree starts falling, shut off the chainsaw and
set it onto the ground immediately. Use the optimum
escape route to get away. Do not stop paying attention in
the event of an eventuality.
• While making the third cut watch the
three crown constantly. Double check the fall keeps going
in the planned direction. If for any reason the tree starts
falling in the wrong direction or the chainsaw gets trapped
leave it behind and run for dear life!
1/3 of
the Trunk
First Cut