I m p o r t a n t h i n t s
all parts of the housing and the chassis are con-
nected to the safety ground terminal of the power
connector. For safety reasons the instrument
must only be operated from 3 terminal power
connectors or via isolation transformers. In case
of doubt the power connector should be checked
according to DIN VDE 0100/610.
Do not disconnect the safety ground
either inside or outside of the instru-
Attention!All interface lines are galva-
nic coupled to the LISN.
As mentioned in paragraph "Safety" the LISN has
to be operated on athree line mains outlet (with
protective ground line). An interface cablebetween
the RS-232 interface of the LISN and the COM port
of a PCcauses a galvanic connection between the
two devices. To excludenegative effects on other
safety provisions the PC's power cable mustbe
connected to the same mains outlet as the LISN.
Disregarding these safety hints (also
see "Safety") will result inthe loss of
HAMEG's warranty in case of dama-
ges. HAMEG isnot liable for any inju-
ries to personnel or any equipment.
Opening of the instrument is only allowed to qua-
lified personnel Prior to opening, the instrument
must be disconnected from the line voltage and
all other inputs/outputs.
In any of the following cases the instrument must
be taken out of service and locked away from
unauthorized use.
This may occur:
– if the instrument shows visible damage,
– if the instrument has loose parts.
– if the instrument does not function,
– after long storage under unfavourable
circumstances (e.g. outdoors or in moist
– after excessive transportation stress (e.g. in
poor packaging).
Operating conditions
The Line Impedance Stabilization Network
HM6 0 5 0 -2 h a s to b e op er ate d accor din g
Subject to change without notice
to the regulations as defined in VDE 0876
Part1("Measurement of radiated emissions"). It
conforms to the regulationsas defined in CISPR
Publ.16 or. EN55011.
The ambient temperature range during operation
should be between +5 °C and +40 °C and should
not exceed –20 °C or +70 °C during transport or
storage. The operational position is optional, ho-
wever, the ventilation holes on the HM8001-2 and
on the plug-in modules must not be obstructed.
In principle the instrument may be used in any
position, however sufficient ventilation must be
ensured. Operation for extended periods of time
requires the horizontal or tilted (handle) position.
Nominal specifications are valid after 30 minutes
warm-up at 23 deg. C. Specifications without
tolerances are typical values taken of average
production units.
Warranty and Repair
HAMEG instruments are subjected to a strict qua-
lity control. Prior to leaving the factory, each in-
strument is burnt-in for 10 hours. By intermittent
operation during this period almost all defects are
detected. Following the burn-in, each instrument
is tested for function and quality, the specifications
are checked in all operating modes; the test gear
is calibrated to national standards.
The warranty standards applicable are those of
the country in which the instrument was sold.
Reclamations should be directed to the dealer.
Only valid in EU countries
In order to speed reclamations customers in EU
countries may also contact HAMEG directly. Also,
after the warranty expired, the HAMEG service will
be at your disposal for any repairs.
Return material authorization (RMA):
Prior to returning an instrument to HAMEG ask
for a RMA number either by internet (http://www.
hameg.com) or fax. If you do not have an original
shipping carton, you may obtain one by calling the
HAMEG service dept (+49-6182-800-500) or by
Do not obstruct the ventilation holes!