UPG consists of a chamber and a manometer. After the self-rescuer has been placed into
the chamber, the manometer shows the pressure decrease inside the device indicating the
leaktightness of the self-rescuer.
The chamber consists of Cylinder 2 with the ellipsis cut (Picture 1). The elastic rubber Ring 4
is installed in Flange 3 at the upper part of the Cylinder 2. The Dampener 15 is placed
on the Bottom 1 of the Cylinder 2.
Locking device is installed on the upper side of the Cylinder 2 at the Bracket 5 and consists of
Lever 7 connected by Axis 6 with Bracket 5, Eccentric 13, Grip 14 and Lid 10.
The latch 8 is fixed on the Lid 10, which prevents it from turning around its axis.
The chamber is airtight with the closed Lid 10 and its volume decreases when the elastic
Ring 4 is compressed. Excessive pressure is made inside the chamber. The Eccentric 13 is fixed
by Stopper 12 while the Lid 10 is closed. The Screw 9 connects the Lid 10 with the Lever 7.
The Screw 9 is fixed by adjusting Screw 16 (Picture 2).
There is a Bush 22 (Picture 3) on the Bottom 1, where the Nozzle 19 with the Screw 21 and the
Manometer 17 are inserted. Prior to the manometer a Dosing unit 20 is installed in the Nozzle 19,
which is used for limitation of pressure spikes. Dosing unit 20 reduces transmission of pressure
onto manometer sensing element.
The Nozzle 19 and the Manometer 17 are sealed by the Gasket 18. Thread connection should be
screwed up to the stop.
Device is supplied with inserts. Its volume is equal to the volume of the self-rescuer.
Picture 1. General view of UPG
Picture 2. General view of UPG (from above)