• Check and verify all electrical and signal connections.
- Speaker wire connections to LOC2SL input
- Audio RCA cable connections from LOC2SL output
to amplifier.
• Check that amplifier is turning on when stereo is on.
- Verify remote turn-on output (blue/wh�e wire) from
LOC2SL is connected to amplffier
- Verify that LOC2SL is receiving + 12V on yellow wire and
black wire is connected to chassis ground.
Note: If all of the above conditions are met, it may be
necessary to connect the amplifer's remote turn-on
terminaVwire directly to the car stereo or ignition.
• Check gain adjustment levels on LOC2SL
• (If using remote volume control) check that the knob is not
turned all the way down.
• If still no sound call tech support at 1·800-621-3696 x3.
Scosche Industries, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in
material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. All
Scosche products are sold with the understanding that the purchaser has
independently detennined the suitability of such products. This warranty
does not cover any expenses Incurred In the removal and relnstallatlon of the
product. This warranty is offered to the original purchaser of the product only.
This warranty does not apply to the product which has been damaged by
accident, or which has been misued, altered, or installed improperly.
If the product should prove defective within the warranty period, return the
product with sales slip, postage prepaid to Scosche Industries, Inc.
Your dated sales slip/proof of purchase wlll establish your warranty ellglblllty.
Scosche, at its option, will replace or repair the product free of charge and
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In no event shall Scosche be responsible for claims beyond the replacement
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consequential or incidental damages.
No express warranties and no implied warranties, whether for fitness or
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Scosche. No waiver, alteration, addition, or modification of the foregoing
conditions shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by an executive
officer of Scosche Industries, Inc.
No salesperson, representative, or agent of Scosche is authorized to give
any guarantee, warranty, or make any representation contrary to the above.