Little Seeds B346855196BRU Manual De Montaje página 36

BPgPPtPP youP PPoduct to receive thP folloPPng:
VPPPt your locPl PPtPPlPP'P PPbPPtP, PPtP your PuPchPPPd
WP Pould lPkP to PxtPnd P bPg "ThPnk You" to Pll of
ouP cuPtomPPP foP tPkPng thP
SPPdP PPoduct, Pnd to give uP youP valuablP
lil leseedslidsllom
* NPP tPPnd dPtPPlP -PnPPk PPPk on PhPt'P nPP
* SurveyP -have P voice PPthPn ouP community
* ExclusivP dPPlP Pnd dPPcount codPP
* QuPck Pnd easy PPPlPcPmPnt PPPt servicP
To PPgPPtPP your PPoduct, visit
PPoduct Pnd leave uP PomP fPPdbPck!
to PPPPmblP thPP