Goetze 683 Manual Del Usuario página 32

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General safety instructions
• Only use the valve:
- as intended
- in proper condition
- with safety- and danger awareness
• Use only for gases that are compatible with the materials used.
• The installation instructions are to be observed.
• For proper use it is to be assured that the regulator is only used where
operating pressure and temperature do not exceed the layout criteria
presented at the time of order. The manufacturer is not responsible for
damage caused by outside forces or other outside influences. Dangers
caused by the process medium or operating pressure which could affect
the regulator are to be prevented through appropriate measures.
• All installation work is to be performed by authorized professionals.
Opće sigurnosne napomene
• Ventil koristiti samo:
- za navedenu namjenu
- u besprijekornom stanju
- uzimajući u obzir sigurnost i moguće opasnosti
• Korištenje samo za plinove koji se podnose s upotrijebljenim
• Uvijek poštujte upute za postavljanje.
• Za pravilnu uporabu potrebno je osigurati da se regulatori tlaka
koriste samo u sustavima u kojima radni tlak i temperatura ne prelaze
vrijednosti navedene pri narudžbi sukladno specifikacijama sustava.
Proizvođač nije odgovoran za štete nastale zbog vanjskih sila ili drugih
vanjskih čimbenika. Opasnosti koje na regulatoru tlaka mogu uzrokovati
transportni medij i radni tlak, moraju se spriječiti odgovarajućim
• Sve montažne radove mora obaviti ovlašteno stručno osoblje.
Assembly and maintenance instructions - 683
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