When Heater Is On; Relighting; Shut Down Instructions - Mi-T-M MH-0040-PM10 Manual Del Operador

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When heaTeR Is on

The Emitter Screen will become bright red due to the intense heat. Burner may display tongues of blue
flame. These flames should not be yellow or produce thick black smoke, which indicates that there is an
obstruction of airflow through the burners.
If flame is very low it is because there is not enough pressure. Check your LP cylinder.


) Turn the Control Knob to the "OFF" position.
2) Wait at least 5 minutes before attempting to relight.
3) Repeat steps beginning with step 2 under 'Lighting Instructions'.

shUT doWn InsTRUCTIons

) Push in and turn Control Knob to the "OFF" position.
2) Turn gas valve on LP cylinder clockwise until tight to close.
WaRnIng: alWaYs be sURe ConTRol Knob Is off and CYlIndeR Is off When leavIng
heaTeR. neveR leave ThIs PaTIo heaTeR UnaTTended WhIle In Use.
NOTE: After use, some discoloration of the emitter screen is normal.
dangeR: do noT ToUCh oR Move heaTeR dURIng oPeRaTIon oR foR aT leasT 45
MInUTes afTeR Use. seRIoUs InjURY oR deaTh MaY oCCUR.
Propane Patio Heater Manual
