Components of your certified machine IKAR HPL
Tick the type of your IKAR machine components and fill in the serial numbers of those.
Type Designation
Suspension Devices
Lifting Unit
Fall Arresters
Suspended Access
NOTE: Fill in this table before the first use.
IKAR Auslegerarme:
AASS-1 (Order no. 41-57V4)
AASS-2 (Order no. 41-59V4)
AASS-3 (Order no. 41-60V4)
AASS-4 (Order no. 41-62V4)
ASS-1 (Order no. 41-71)
ASS-2 (Order no. 41-72)
ASS-3 (Order no. 41-73)
ASS-4 (Order no. 41-74)
IKAR Dreibäume:
DB-A1 (Order no. 41-53)
DB-A1 kurz (Order no. 41-53k)
DB-A2 (Order no. 41-50)
DB-A2 XL (Order no. 41-50XL)
DB-AR (Order no. 41-51)
IKAR Personen- und Lastwinde (Order no. 41-PLW)
HRA 12 E (Order no. 41-HRA 12 E)
HRA 12 (Order no. 41-HRA 12)
HRA 18 E (Order no. 41-HRA 18 E)
HRA 18 (Order no. 41-HRA 18)
HRA 24 E (Order no. 41-HRA 24 E)
HRA 24 (Order no. 41-HRA 24)
HRA 33 E (Order no. 41-HRA 33 E)
HRA 33 (Order no. 41-HRA 33)
IK G4 DW (Order no. 45-IK G4 DW)
IK G4 DW R (Order no. 45-IK G4 DW R)
IK G2 A/B + sit seat LS 52 (Order no. 45-IK G2A/B)
IK G2 A/B R + sit seat LS 52 (Order no. 45-IK G2A/B R)
Serial No.