7 - Multitotaliser mode
7.1 - Description of the multitotaliser mode
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The CPT4 multifunction electronic counter configured in multitotaliser mode
enables the number of pulses on two inputs to be counted independently of
each other. It only operates with 2 preset values. A counter with only one
preset behaves as if it did not have a preset.
It allows:
- counting of electrical pulses on input A (Totaliser A),
- counting of electrical pulses on input B (Totaliser B),
- main display of value A + B or A - B (according to configuration),
- taking into account of a Gain factor (common to the two totalisers and to
the main display),
- manual setting to zero of totaliser A or totaliser B (without effect on main
- electrical setting to zero of totaliser A or totaliser B and the main display
by activation of input C,
- activation of a contact OUT1 when the intermediate preset value P1 is
reached for input A,
- activation of a contact OUT2 when the main preset value P2 is reached
for input B,
Note: The reset to zero of one input (A or B) does not change the display,
the counter stores in memory the value reached. Use input C for zero
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