5.2.2 Alarm setting humidity
When "00" is fl ashing, use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to set the +/- alarm between 1 and 20 %.
5.2.3 Deactivation/Activation of audible humidity alarm
When "OFF" is fl ashing, use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to activate the alarm with "ON" or to deactivate it by selecting
"OFF". Press
5.2.4 Safety cut-out function
When "00" is fl ashing, use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to set the minutes to a value between 1 to 59. Should the humi-
difi ers connected on slot 1 (
) fail to achieve the set value for humidity, they are switched off after this period has
elapsed. Press
Note: When you have programmed the safety cut-out function, your sprinkler system will continue to be regulated via
the sensor. If the programmed humidity value is not achieved within the time set here, the device will be switched off
to prevent fl ooding of the terrarium. This is especially important when you are out or away on holiday. To restart the
system, you need to change the previously entered number of minutes or set the safety function to 00. Before you
do so, however, you should consider replacing your connected sprinkler system with a more powerful device that is
better suited to the size of your terrarium and its substrate humidity. You should also ensure that the humidity sensor
is installed in a suitable place.