1. Before working on a circuit , go to the main service
panel and remove the fuse or turn off the breaker
that controls that circuit .
2. Tape a sign to the panel warning others to leave
the circuit alone while you work.
3. Before touching any wire, use a voltage tester to
make sure it's not live.
4. Whenever you check for voltage in a receptacle,
check both outlets; each may be controlled by
a separate wiring circuit .
5. When replacing fuses, turn off the main power
first . Make sure your hands and feet are dry, and
place one hand behind your back to prevent
electricity from making a complete circuit through
your chest . Touch a plug fuse only by its insulated rim.
6. Remove cartridge fuses with fuse puller.
7. Use tools with insulated handles and ladders
made of wood or fiberglass.
8. To protect children, place safety cover over
any unused outlets.