Now you can start capturing whiteboard notes
directly to your smart phone, tablet or computer!
Learn about all of the great features of Equil
Smartmarker through the tutorials and user
guide included in the Equil Note App.
new page button
Using the Eraser Cap
The eraser cap is an accessory that allows you to
make small corrections to your whiteboard notes
as you are drawing.
Note: The eraser cap only works in its capped
position on the Smartmarker. Do not erase with
the cap when placed in your hand or on the back
of the Smartmarker.
Duplicate Page
Hold down the new page button to create
a duplicate page of your whiteboard
content. You will see the new page button
illuminate and hear an audible notification
to indicate that the duplication was
successful. This is a convenient way to
create a copy of your original notes,
saved in Equil Note, before you annotate
or make changes to your ideas.
Press the new page
button to create a
fresh page.