NoTE: The humidifier's Wick is made of paper and is NoT washable.
over time, minerals in your water will build up in the humidifier's Wick, degrading its ability to absorb
water and reducing the humidifier's output. Therefore, you should replace the humidifier's Wick every
4 - 8 weeks, depending on the hardness of your water.
1. Turn the humidifier 'oFF' and unplug the unit.
2. Lift the Main Housing, remove it from the Base, and set it aside.
3. Grasp the humidifier Wick, hold it over the base, and squeeze the water from it. This will keep
water from dripping onto your floor. You may also want to wrap the Wick in a towel to keep it
from dripping while you transport it to disposal.
4. Replace the old Wick with a new Hunter humidifier Wick, number 31911. New Wicks are available
at your local Hunter retailer or at
5. Ensure the Wick is properly seated, resting on the bottom of the base and not tilted or otherwise
out of position.
6. Return the Main Housing to its position on the Base. Make certain the Main Housing is properly
seated on the Base.
7. plug the humidifier's power Cord into a standard household power outlet and turn the power/Speed
Control to your desired setting.
43001-01 04/27/2007
Replacing the Humidifier Wick
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