Gastester is an exhaust gas analyser that works on the "hot wire" or "thermal conductivity"
principle: the thermal conductivity of exhaust gas varies in proportion to the amount of carbon
monoxide present. Exhaust gas is pumped through the Gastester by an externally mounted
pulse pump.
The pulse pump uses the positive and negative pressure waves generated by the exhaust gas to
force exhaust gas through the Gastester.
The pump consists of a diaphragm with one way valve and thus the pump will only be heard to
click when connected to the exhaust.
CO Function Specification:
Calibrated range: 0-10% CO
(indicates un-calibrated to 20% C)
Accuracy: +/- 0.5% CO typical
(throughout the indicated range 0.5% CO to 6.5% CO)
Note: The Gastester measures the CO level only of the exhaust gas and is therefore not
suitable for MOT or diagnostic checks where an accuracy greater than +- 0.5% CO is
2. Assembly .............................................. 4
8. Warranty ................................................ 11