User's Guide
Accumulate key, store current weight in memory. In se ng mode, this key used to move ac ve digits
le .
To print the results to a PC or printer using the op onal RS232 interface. Press Print during selfchec-
king will enter se ng mode.
Gross weight/net weight shi key, hold this key for 3 seconds to shi the unit. Secondary funcion
(ESC), is to return to normal opera on when the indicator is in a parameter se ng mode.
The LCD display will show a value and a unit to the right of the digits.
In addi on ther are labels for TARE, GROSS weight, Zero and for Low ba ery.
You can press the
measured, within +/-2% of power up zero. This will usually only be necessary when the pla orm is empty.
When the zero point is obtained the display will show the indicator for zero.
The scale has an automa c rezeroing func on to account for minor dri ing or accumula on of material on
the pla orm. However you may need to press the
are shown when the pla orm is empty.
Zero the scale by pressing the
Place a container on the pla orm, a value for its weight will be displayed.
Press the
key to tare the scale. The weight that was displayed is stored as the tare value and that va-
lue is substracted from the display, leaving zero on the display. The "NET" indicator will be on. As product
is added only the weight of the product will be shown. The scale could be tared a second me if another
type of product was to be added to the first one. Again only the weight that is added a er taring will be
When the container is removed a nega ve value will be shown. If the scale was tared just before removing
the container this value is the gross weight of the container plus all product that was removed. The zero
indicator will also be on because the pla orm is back to the same condi on it was when the
last pressed.
To determine the weight of a sample first tare the empty container then place the sample in the container.
The display will show the weight and the units of weight currently in use.
key for MC (memory clear).
key together for se ng check weighing limit.
key at any me to set the zero point from which all other weighing and coun ng is
key if necessary. The zero indicator will be on.
key to rezero the scale if small amounts of weight
BR20 - BR30 model
key was