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  • ESPAÑOL, página 7

Enlaces rápidos

The equipment that you have just bought was designed, manufactured
and tested in accordance with the essential safety requirements of the
European Directives ATEX 94/9/EC (until April 19
(from April 20
, 2016).
Read these instructions carefully BEFORE installing, using or maintaining
this equipment.
Products intended for installation in a potentially explosive gas or
combustible dust atmosphere must:
a) Be installed, put into service and maintained in compliance with
national and local regulations and in accordance with the
recommendations contained in the relevant standards concerning
potentially explosive atmospheres.
b) Be installed, put into service and maintained by qualified and
competent professionals who have undergone suitable training for
instrumentation used in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Under certain operating conditions, the use of damaged instruments could
cause a degradation of the performances of the system, which may lead
to personal injury or death.
Use only genuine spare parts, which are provided by the manufacturer, to
guarantee that the products comply with the essential safety requirements
of the European Directives mentioned above.
DPI – MASONEILAN or Dresser Japan Ltd. depending on the manufacturing
II 2 G/D, II 2 G, II 3 G/D or II 3 G depending on the case (*)
IIA TX, IIB TX or IIC TX depending on the case (*)
Maximum ambient temperature, Ta X: see instructions
Tfluid: see instructions
Year of manufacture
Serial number
Technical file No.
Caution: risk of electrostatic discharge. Do not rub the plastic surfaces.
(*) Determined by the category of the instruments present in the assembly.
TX: check level operating conditions – see instructions under
Before proceeding with installation:
♦ Carefully unpack the equipment and check it is not damaged. In the
case of any damage, notify the manufacturer.
♦ Check the compatibility of the equipment with the installation zone
(Directive 99/92/EC).
♦ Check that the maximum temperature of the fluid passing through the
level does not exceed the maximum surface temperature of the
temperature class T1 to T6 in the zone where the equipment is
installed and the limits of the manufacturer (see catalogues available
on our Internet site at
♦ Check the maximum ambient temperature will never exceed the
maximum permitted ambient temperature indicated on the
manufacturer's label of each instrument mounted on the level. without
ever exceeding +74°C.
♦ For specific conditions of use, user shall also consult the ATEX
Instruction Manual (GEA19100) related to the digital level instrument
♦ Check the minimum ambient temperature will never be below -50°C.
♦ Comply with the heat insulation instructions recommended by the
Instruction for installation, start-up, use and maintenance
for Masoneilan* 12000 Series levels installed in potentially
explosive atmospheres.
, 2016) and 2014/34/EU
Carry out the pneumatic and electrical connections of instruments after
checking that local conditions so allow. All instructions necessary for
correct and safe installation of instruments are available in the specific
ATEX instructions attached to the instruments. These instructions can also
be accessed on our Internet site
In particular:
♦ Ensure the installation complies with the applicable regulations and
the standards, and observe the instrument safety parameters.
♦ Connect the level and electrical instruments to the ground.
♦ Respect the polarities of the electrical connection.
♦ Use cable entries that comply with ATEX regulation and are suitable
for the zone and the protection mode of the instrument.
Before putting the level into service, check that all the equipment is
correctly connected, grounded and the safety covers and screws are in
Use the level within the temperature limits recommended by the
manufacturer (see paragraph on installation).
♦ Do not use the level for any application other than that initially
♦ Regularly check there is no fluid leakage in particular at the gaskets.
♦ Respect the instructions for use of electrical apparatus.
♦ Avoid any impact on the aluminum alloy housing (extension, double
case 12800).
♦ Do not rub plastic covers of the instrument; this could cause a risk of
electrostatic discharge which could lead to an explosion.
♦ Ensure the fluid does not carry particles likely to create a spark if the
inside of the level could be considered as an ATEX zone.
Before carrying out maintenance work, ensure local conditions are suitable
for the operations: Make sure that suitable safety equipment and
protection devices are available, taking into account the nature of the
operations and the zone where they are to be performed.
♦ Carry out the maintenance operations in compliance with the specific
instructions for the product concerned.
♦ Use only genuine spare parts, from the manufacturer.
♦ Remove deposits of combustible dust which may form on any exposed
♦ To avoid the production of sparks due to electrostatic discharges, it
will be advisable to follow the instructions of the code of practice EN
TR50404. For example, the user will proceed to the cleaning of the
device, and in particular the plastic label, by means of a wet rag. For
safety reasons, this operation can be performed only when the local
conditions are not potentially explosive.
Surveillance of equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres: comply
with the regulations in force (Directive 99/92/EC).
*Denotes a trademark of General Electric Company.
(former 186034)
03/2016 - English
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para GE Masoneilan 12000 Serie

  • Página 1 Instruction for installation, start-up, use and maintenance GEA32346A for Masoneilan* 12000 Series levels installed in potentially (former 186034) 03/2016 - English explosive atmospheres. The equipment that you have just bought was designed, manufactured Carry out the pneumatic and electrical connections of instruments after and tested in accordance with the essential safety requirements of the checking that local conditions so allow.
  • Página 2 Инструкции за монтаж, пускане, употреба и поддръжка GEA32346A-BG на ниворегулатори Masoneilan* серия 12000, монтирани (предишния 186034) 03/2016 — Bulgarian в потенциално експлозивна атмосфера. Това устройство е проектирано, произведено и тествано в съответствие с ♦ Минималната температура на околната среда никога не бива да основните...
  • Página 3: Uvedení Do Provozu

    Pokyny pro instalaci, uvedení do provozu a údržbu libel GEA32346A-CZ řady Masoneilan* 12000 instalovaných v prostředí (dříve 186034) 03/2016 – Czech s nebezpečím výbuchu Zařízení, které jste právě zakoupili, bylo navrženo, vyrobeno a vyzkoušeno Dbejte zejména na následující: v souladu se základními požadavky na bezpečnost podle evropských ♦...
  • Página 4 Anleitung für Einbau, Inbetriebnahme, Verwendung und GEA32346A-DE Instandhaltung von in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen (ehemals 186034) eingebauten Flüssigkeitsstandmessern der Masoneilan* 03/2016 - German 12000-Serien. Das Gerät, das Sie gekauft haben, wurde gemäß den wesentlichen ♦ Sicherstellen, dass die minimale Umgebungstemperatur von -50°C Sicherheitsanforderungen der EU-Richtlinien ATEX 94/9/EG (bis 19.
  • Página 5 Vejledning til installation, opstart, brug og vedligeholdelse GEA32346A-DK af Masoneilan*-regulatorer i 12000-serien installeret i (tidligere 186034) 03/2016 - Danish eksplosionsfarlige atmosfærer. Det udstyr, som De netop har købt, er designet, fremstillet og prøvet ♦ Følg alle vejledninger for varmeisolering, der anbefales af fabrikanten. i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige krav i fællesskabsdirektiv 94/9/EF Foretag de pneumatiske og elektriske tilslutninger af instrumenter, når det om eksplosionsfarlig atmosfære (indtil 19.
  • Página 6 Juhend potentsiaalselt plahvatusohtlikku keskkonda GEA32346A-EE sobivate Masoneilan* 12000 seeria nivooregulaatorite (endine 186034) paigaldamiseks, töökorda seadmiseks, kasutamiseks ja 03/2016 - Estonian hooldamiseks Teie poolt ostetud seade on väljaarendatud, toodetud ja testitud vastavalt Looge instrumentide pneumaatika- ja elektriühendused pärast seda, kui direktiivi ATEX 94/9/EÜ (kuni 19. aprillini 2016) ja 2014/34/EÜ (alates olete kontrollinud, kas kohapealsed tingimused seda võimaldavad.
  • Página 7: Puesta En Marcha

    Instrucción para la instalación, puesta en marcha, GEA32346A-ES utilización y mantenimiento de niveles de la serie 12000 (anteriormente de Masoneilan* instalados en atmósferas potencialmente 186034) 03/2016 - Spanish explosivas. El equipo que acaba de adquirir se ha diseñado, fabricado y probado de ♦...
  • Página 8 Ohjeet räjähdysvaarallisiin tiloihin asennettujen GEA32346A-FI Masoneilan* 12000 -sarjan vipujen asentamiseen, (aiemmin 186034) 03/2016 – Finnish käynnistämiseen, käyttämiseen ja huoltamiseen. Ostamasi laite on suunniteltu, valmistettu ja testattu eurooppalaisten Asenna instrumenttien paineilma- ja sähköliitännät vasta, kun olet direktiivien ATEX 94/9/EY (19. huhtikuuta 2016 saakka) ja 2014/34/EU tarkastanut, että...
  • Página 9 Instructions d'installation, de démarrage, d'utilisation et de GEA32346A-FR (anciennement maintenance pour niveaux Masoneilan* série 12000 186034) installés dans des atmosphères potentiellement explosives. 03/2016 - French L'équipement dont vous avez fait l'acquisition a été conçu, fabriqué et ♦ Respectez instructions relatives à...
  • Página 10: Εναρξη Λειτουργιασ

    Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης, έναρξης λειτουργίας, χρήσης GEA32346A-GR και συντήρησης για ελεγκτές στάθμης Masoneilan* (πρώην 186034) Σειράς 12000 οι οποίοι τοποθετούνται σε ενδεχομένως 03/2016 – Greek εκρήξιμα περιβάλλοντα. Ο εξοπλισμός τον οποίο μόλις αγοράσατε, έχει σχεδιαστεί, κατασκευαστεί ♦ Για συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες χρήσης, ο χρήστης θα πρέπει να ανατρέχει...
  • Página 11 Upute za ugradnju, pokretanje, upotrebu i održavanje GEA32346A-HR nivelira Masoneilan* serije 12000 postavljenih u (prethodno 186034) 03/2016 – Croatian potencijalno eksplozivnim atmosferama. Oprema koju ste upravo kupili osmišljena je, proizvedena i ispitana u Pneumatsko i električno priključivanje instrumenata provedite nakon skladu s bitnim sigurnosnim zahtjevima Europske direktive ATEX 94/9/EZ provjere usklađenosti s lokalnim uvjetima.
  • Página 12: Üzembe Helyezés

    Robbanásveszélyes környezetbe telepített Masoneilan* GEA32346A-HU 12000 sorozatú szintmérők telepítési, üzembe helyezési, (korábban 186034) 2016/03 – Hungarian használati és karbantartási útmutatója. Az Ön által vásárolt berendezés tervezése, gyártása és tesztelése az műszerek pneumatikus és elektromos csatlakoztatása előtt európai 94/9/EK ATEX irányelvek (2016. április 19-ig) és a 2014/34/EU bizonyosodjon meg róla, hogy a helyi körülmények lehetővé...
  • Página 13 Leiðbeiningar fyrir uppsetningu, gangsetningu, notkun og GEA32346A-IS viðhald á Masoneilan*12000-mælum sem eru settir upp (áður 186034) 03/2016 – Icelandic á sprengihættustöðum. Búnaðurinn sem þú keyptir er hannaður, framleiddur og prófaður Ekki skal tengja tækjabúnaðinn við loft eða rafmagn fyrr en búið er að í...
  • Página 14 Istruzioni di installazione, avvio, uso e manutenzione per GEA32346A-IT (precedentemente i livelli Masoneilan* serie 12000 installati in aree con 186034) atmosfere potenzialmente esplosive. 03/2016 - Italian L'apparecchiatura appena acquistata è stata progettata, prodotta ♦ Rispettare tutte le istruzioni relative all'isolamento, secondo quanto raccomandato dal produttore.
  • Página 15 Instrukcija Masoneilan* 12000 sērijas līmeņu GEA32346A-LV uzstādīšanai, palaidei, izmantošanai un apkopei (iepriekš 186034) 03/2016 – Latvian sprādzienbīstamās vidēs. Jūsu iegādātais aprīkojums ir izstrādāts, ražots un pārbaudīts atbilstoši Ja attiecīgajā vidē tas ir iespējams, izveidojiet instrumentu pneimatiskos un Eiropas Savienības direktīvas ATEX 94/9/EK (līdz 2016. gada 19. aprīlim) un elektriskos savienojumus.
  • Página 16 Potencialiai sprogiose aplinkose montuojamų GEA32346A-LT (ankstesnis „Masoneilan“* 12000 serijos lygių montavimo, paleidimo, Nr. 186034) naudojimo ir priežiūros instrukcija. 03/2016 – Lithuanian Jūsų įsigyta įranga sukurta, pagaminta ir patikrinta pagal esminius Prieš prijungdami prietaisų pneumatines ir elektros jungtis patikrinkite, Europos direktyvų ATEX 94/9/EB (iki 2016 m. balandžio 19 d.) ir 2014/34/ES ar vietos sąlygos yra tinkamos.
  • Página 17 Istruzzjoni għall-installazzjoni, l-istartjar, l-użu GEA32346A-MT u l-manutenzjoni ta' Masoneilan* 12000 Livelli serje (ta' qabel 186034) 03/2016 - Maltese installati f'atmosferi potenzjalment splussivi. It-tagħmir li għadek kemm xtrajt kien maħsub, immanifatturat u ttestjat Wettaq il-konnessjonijiet pnewmatiċi u elettriċi tal-istrumenti wara li skont ir-rekwiżiti essenzjali tas-sigurtà...
  • Página 18: Installatie

    T1 t/m T6 in de zone natte doek. Omwille van de veiligheid mag deze handeling alleen waarin de apparatuur wordt geïnstalleerd, en ook niet hoger dan de worden uitgevoerd als de lokale omstandigheden niet potentieel grenzen die door de fabrikant zijn aangegeven (zie de beschikbare explosief zijn.
  • Página 19 Instruksjoner for installasjon, oppstart, bruk og vedlikehold GEA32346A-NO av nivåmålere i Masoneilan* 12000-serien som er installert (tidligere 186034) 03/2016 - Norwegian i potensielt eksplosive atmosfærer. Utstyret du nettopp har kjøpt, er utformet, fremstilt og testet i samsvar Før instrumentene kobles til trykkluft og elektriske ledninger, må det med sikkerhetskravene i EU-direktivene ATEX 94/9/EF (til og med 19.
  • Página 20 Instrukcje dotyczące instalacji, uruchomienia i konserwacji GEA32346A-PL (poprzedni czujników poziomu cieczy marki Masoneilan* 12000 nr 186034) instalowanych w przestrzeniach zagrożonych wybuchem. 03/2016 – Polish Zakupione urządzenie zostało zaprojektowane, wyprodukowane ♦ Należy sprawdzić, czy minimalna temperatura otoczenia nie będzie i przetestowane zgodnie z zasadniczymi wymogami bezpieczeństwa niższa niż...
  • Página 21 Instrução de instalação, arranque, utilização e GEA32346A-PT (anteriormente manutenção de níveis da série 12000 Masoneilan* 186034) instalados em atmosferas potencialmente explosivas. 03/2016 - Portuguese O equipamento que acabou de adquirir foi concebido, fabricado e testado Realize as ligações pneumáticas e elétricas dos instrumentos depois de de acordo com os requisitos de segurança essenciais das Diretivas verificar se as condições locais o permitem.
  • Página 22 Instrucțiuni de instalare, pornire, utilizare și GEA32346A-RO întreținere pentru nivelmetre Masoneilan* seria 12000 (Cod anterior 186034) 03/2016 - Romanian instalate în atmosfere potențial explozive. ♦ Respectați instrucțiunile de izolare termică recomandate de Echipamentul achiziționat de dvs. a fost proiectat, fabricat și testat în producător.
  • Página 23 Temperaturvätska: se instruktioner ♦ Gnid inte på instrumentets plastskydd eftersom detta kan orsaka Tillverkningsår elektrostatisk uppladdning som kan ge upphov till en explosion. Serienummer Teknisk fil nr. ♦ Se till att vätskan inte innehåller partiklar som kan orsaka gnistor om nivåinstrumentets insida kan anses vara en ATEX-zon.
  • Página 24 Navodila za namestitev, zagon, uporabo in vzdrževanje GEA32346A-SI za kontrolnike nivoja serije Masoneilan* 12000, nameščene (prej 186034) 03/2016 - Slovenian v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah. Oprema, ki ste jo kupili, je oblikovana, izdelana in preizkušena v skladu Pnevmatske in električne priključke instrumentov napeljite po tem, ko se z osnovnimi varnostnimi zahtevami evropske direktive ATEX 94/9/ES prepričate, da vam to omogočajo lokalni pogoji.
  • Página 25 Pokyny na inštaláciu, spustenie, používanie a údržbu GEA32346A-SK (predchádzajúce zariadení na reguláciu hladiny Masoneilan* radu 12000 č. 186034) Series nainštalované v potenciálne výbušnom prostredí. 03/2016 – Slovak Zariadenie, ktoré ste zakúpili, bolo skonštruované, vyrobené a testované Pneumatické a elektrické pripojenia prístrojov zrealizujte po overení, že to podľa základných bezpečnostných požiadaviek európskych smerníc ATEX umožňujú...
  • Página 26 ölüme yol açabilir. yerinde olduğunu kontrol edin. Ürünlerin yukarıda adı geçen Avrupa Birliği Yönergelerinin temel güvenlik şartlarına uygunluğundan emin olmak için yalnızca imalatçı tarafından temin edilen orijinal yedek parçaları kullanın. KULLANIM Nivoyu imalatçı...

Tabla de contenido