How to Accurately Measure
Locating a Hot or Cold Spot
To find a hot or cold spot, aim the ther-
mometer outside the area of interest.
Then scan across the area with an up and
down motion until you locate the hot or
cold spot.
Field of View
Make sure that the target is larger than
the unit's spot size. The smaller the tar-
get, the closer you should be to it. When
accuracy is critical, make sure the target
is at least twice as large as the spot size.
Emissivity is a term used to describe the
energy-emitting characteristics of materi-
als. Most organic materials and painted
or oxidized surfaces have an emissivity of
0.95 (pre-set in the unit). Inaccurate
readings can result from measuring shiny
or polished metal surfaces. To compen-
sate, cover the surface to be measured
with masking tape or flat black paint.
Allow time for the tape or paint to reach
the same temperature as the the material
underneath it. Measure the temperature of
the tape or painted surface.