To activate the keypad, you have to load a program or to go to the manual mode
Electrode mounting:
SATF weld heads use Ø1.6 mm and Ø2.4 mm electrodes while 2 locations are available and exclusively
dedicated to one diameter of electrode.
These electrodes are held in the rotor with a pressure screw as shown in the photo.
Electrode fastening screw
The mounting positions for rotor electrodes in
the open position are at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock.
To mount the electrode, move the rotor to
reveal the opening for the tightening screw. The
rotor is moved using the welding station remote
control and the <<< and >>> buttons.
CAUTION: This screw is an M3 headless screw that must be tightened with care. It should not be
manipulated with a ball driver hex wrench, which could damage the screw head! The Allen wrench
required is provided.
Green light: in cycle
To move the rotor to the left
Doing the return to the starting position (at the end of the
To move the rotor to the right
No doing the return to the starting position (at the end of the
To move the rotor to the left
Doing the return to the starting position (at the end of the
To stop the welding: progression to downslop
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