The Bluefin warranty covers any technical faults with your item for 12 months, if you
need to make a warranty claim contact us via email at
General wear and marks from use.
Damage due to improper use.
Damage and scratching due to improper use or dropping.
Damage due to over inflation and improper storage.
Your wa rranty
begin s on re ceip t of d elivery , t ec h ni ca l fau lt s a re cov ere d fo r 12
month s!
If yo u h av e any quest ions rega rd in g your wa rra nty ple ase ema il u s at:
s u pp o rt @bl uefin trad in g . co. u k
1 2 MON T H WA R R A N T Y
sup po rt @b l uefi n trad uk