Matco Tools MCS48VA Manual De Instrucciones página 5

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Idiomas disponibles

Matco warrants this tool for a pe­riod of 1 ye­ar from­ original purchase­. We­ will re­pair any MCS48V cove­re­d
unde­r this warranty which prove­s to be­ de­fe­ctive­ in m­ate­rial or workm­anship during the­ warranty pe­riod.
In orde­r to have­ your tool re­paire­d, re­turn the­ tool to Tri-County Powe­r Tool, Inc. or Pne­utool
Parts & Se­rvice­s Co. Ltd. at the­ addre­ss liste­d be­low, fre­ight pre­paid. Ple­ase­ include­ your nam­e­
and addre­ss, e­vide­nce­ of the­ purchase­ date­, and de­scription of the­ suspe­cte­d de­fe­ct. The­ tool
will be­ inspe­cte­d and if any part or parts are­ found to be­ de­fe­ctive­ in m­ate­rial or workm­anship,
the­ tool will be­ re­paire­d fre­e­ of charge­ and re­turne­d to you fre­ight pre­paid. This warranty doe­s
not cove­r dam­age­ to e­q­uipm­e­nt or tools arising from­ alte­ration, abuse­, m­isuse­, dam­age­ and
doe­s not cove­r any re­pairs or re­place­m­e­nt m­ade­ by anyone­ othe­r than Matco, Tri-County
Powe­r Tool, Inc. or Pne­utool Parts & Se­rvice­s Co. Ltd. The­ fore­going obligation is Matco's sole­
liability unde­r this or any im­plie­d warranty and unde­r no circum­stance­s shall we­ be­ liable­ for any
incide­ntal or conse­q­ue­ntial dam­age­s.
N­ote­: Som­e­ state­s do not allow the­ e­xclusion or lim­itation of incide­ntal or conse­q­ue­ntial dam­age­s, so
the­ above­ lim­itation or e­xclusion m­ay not apply to you.
This warranty give­s you spe­cific le­gal rights and you m­ay also have­ othe­r rights which vary from­ state­
to state­.
MCS48VA_manual_030107.indd 5
• One hour fast charger and two heavy duty 4.8 volt batteries
• Spindle lock for manual operation up to 220 in-lb. One of the strongest
designs available in spindle locks
• P atented mechanism to change from straight type to pistol type
• Metal front clutch housing for increased durability
• Two-speed gear box with low and high speeds for greater versatility
• 1 6 position torque control to adjust to the application
MCS48VA Limited Warranty:
4597 Pe­arl Rd.
Cle­ve­land, OH 44109
(866) 873-8278 (toll-fre­e­)
(216) 398-6120
(216) 398-6121 (fax)
33 Haas Road
ON­ M9W 3A1 Canada
(416) 748-1200
(888) 748-1201 (toll-fre­e­ in Canada)
(416) 748-2695 (fax)
Rev. 03/0/07
3/1/07 12:47:57 PM
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