Using your breast pump
You've cleaned and assembled your
breast pump, powered up your
power unit. You're prepped and
ready to go...
The best time to use your breast
pump is after the first feed of the day
(unless your breastfeeding advisor
has told you something different).
1. Hold the pump handset
around the narrow neck
of the body. Hold it in
whichever hand feels most
comfortable. As you use
it, you may find it's more
comfortable to cup your
hand around the bottle. Do
not hold it by the air tube.
2. Place the soft silicone
cup attached to the horn
over your breast so that
it creates a seal all the
way around with your
nipple at the center of the
hole, you don't need to
cover the whole of your
areola or breast with the
horn, so don't force it. It
should sit comfortably. If it
doesn't feel right, relax and
3. Once you're ready, press
and hold the power button
on the power unit. The
pump will start with a
gentle massage rhythm
that mimics the way your
baby latches to your
nipple to help you begin
to produce milk. It will give
you 10 short pulses and one
longer pump.
Make sure hands are washed and
dried before touching your breast
pump or body, and breast pump
parts are washed and sterilized.
Get yourself in a comfortable
position, sitting, standing or
half-lying. The important thing is
to keep the pump handset vertical
while you hold it against your breast.
You'll also need a flat surface nearby
to put the pump and bottle on when
you're done.
4. After about a minute, the
pump will automatically
move to more powerful
massage settings. If you
want to move on onto a
more powerful setting,
press the "+" button.
If you want to move to a
less powerful and shorter
massage settings, press the
"-" button. A more powerful
setting doesn't necessarily
make your milk come any
faster. Remember, it's not
a race; it's about what's
comfortable for you.
5. Once you feel or see your
milk, you can switch to
Express/Pump mode. This
gives you a more regular
and prolonged pumping
action to help you express
milk. Press the power/mode
selection button once to
switch to Express/Pump
6. To move to a more
powerful and longer
pump setting, press the
"+" button. To move to a
less powerful and shorter
pump setting, press the
"-" button. The power will
automatically shut off after
30 minutes of express/
pump mode.