Step 3 – Clean and Inspect the Hole
Ensure any dust and debris are removed from the hole. The
vacuum attachment included with the Complete Kit and Pro Kit
is ideal for this purpose. It can also be purchased separately from
your dealer.
Per ASTM F2170, check the diameter and depth of the hole using
the included tape measure. If either dimension is incorrect, the
hole must be re-drilled and cleaned. Incorrect hole diameter may
cause difficulty inserting or removing a PosiTector CMM IS
If using the PosiTector App, touch the circle corresponding to the
a hole, and record the location, depth and date/time the hole was
drilled. Select Set Now to input the current time and date, or input
it manually.
Step 4 – Insert the Probe
PosiTector CMM IS probes are designed to be placed into the
hole as soon as the hole has been prepared. Remove the probe
from the Calibration Check Chamber and Saturated Salt Solution,
unscrew the battery cover and insert the battery, (+) positive side
up. Replace the cover.
The probe will immediately begin broadcasting readings via
Bluetooth, and can be viewed from the PosiTector App (pg. 9)
or a PosiTector Advanced (pg. 11).