6.2 Installation
During installation and maintenance, all the components used must be handled and transported securely by using suitable slings.
Handling must be carried out by specialised personnel to avoid damage to the pump and to persons. The lifting points of the various
configurations must be used to lift the unit only, which must be drained from water and disconnected from the pipes.
Figure 9 highlights in black the lifting points of some typical base plates.
Maximum lifting speed: Vmax
Do not stand or pass under the pump while it is being hoisted!
Store the pump under cover wherever possible (fig. 10). If the pump must be stored in the
open, cover it with a tarpaulin and grease the bearings to avoid rusting.
Avoid the accumulation of moisture around the pump.
Never leave liquid in the pump casing. Drain the casing through the drain cover (fig. 11).
During winter months and cold weather, the liquid could freeze and damage the pump
casing. If the liquid is hazardous, take all necessary precautions to avoid damage and
injury before emptying the pump casing. From time to time, turn the pump shaft to avoid
encrustation inside the pump.
If the pump is supplied with bare shaft (pedestal version) it must be coupled to an internal
combustion engine, taking account of the following:
- the coupling must be correctly sized for the power to be transmitted
- the coupling must be correctly aligned (see paragraph 10)
- the coupling guard must comply with applicable safety standards
- the rated power of the engine
- the power absorbed by the pump (see the engine nameplate)
- the engine speed (see the engine nameplate)
- the pump speed.
The base plates of engine driven pumps must be anchored to a levelled concrete slab in
which the foundation bolts have been buried following the diagram available on request.
The slab must be robust to absorb any vibrations and sufficiently rigid to maintain the
alignment of the pump to the engine. Trailer mounted pumps must be placed in horizontal
9.1 Assembly
While the base plate is being anchored to the slab, check the flatness by placing a spirit
level on the delivery flange of the pump.
If adjustments are necessary, the face of the slab must be adapted to the base plate,
never the base plate to the slab.
9.2 Pipework
Clean the hoses or pipes thoroughly before connecting them to the pump.
The suction line must have a diameter equal to that of the pump suction port. (For larger diame-
ters, consult the manufacturers). If possible, avoid curves, elbows and constrictions which can
limit the flow of liquid to the pump. Do not install a foot valve: the pump has a non-return valve
incorporated in the suction port.
Install the pump as close as possible to the liquid to be pumped (fig. 12), trying, where possible,
to reduce the suction lift (fig. 13).
The suction line connections must be completely airtight: check pipe threads, flange gaskets,
quick couplings, etc.
The delivery line must let air escape from the system while the pump is priming.
The suction and delivery lines must be mounted in such a way as not to create a strain on the pump casing.
Engine driven pumps must have lengths of flexible hose to isolate the pipework from the vibrations generated by the internal combustion
fig. 9
0,5 m/s
fig. 12
fig. 13
fig. 10
fig. 11