6. Turn ON water, point g uninasafe direction and squeeze
trigger t opurge pump system ofairand impurities.
Attach o ther e nd ofhigh pressure hose tohigh pressure
outiet o npump. Tighten b yhand.
3. Before c onnecting
garden h ose towater inlet, i nspect
inlet s creen. Clean s creen ( A)ifitcontains debris o rhave
it replaced if damaged. DO NOT r unpressure washer
inter screen is damaged or missing.
Run water througil garden hose for 30 seconds to flush
it of debris. Turn off water.
iMPORTANT: DO NOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply=Use ONLY coid water (iess than IO0°F).
Connect garden hose (not to exceed 50 feet in length) to
water inlet. Tighten by hand.
IRisk of eye injury.
can splash back or propel objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggles when usingthis equipment o r in
vicinityof whereequipment i s in use.
Beforestartingthe pressurewasher,be sureyouare wearing
adequate safetygoggles.
NEVER substitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
ChecMist Befere Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit to ensure you have performed all of the
1= Be sure to read Safety Rules and Operationsections
before using the cieaning system.
2= Make sure handle is in place and secure=
3= Checkthat eli has been added to proper level in engine
Add proper fuel to fuel tank.
Checkfor proper hose connections (high pressure and
water suppiy) and that there are no kinks, cuts, or
damageto the high pressure hose.
Provide proper water supply (not to exceed IO0°F).
Using a One Way Valve (vacuum breaker or check valve)
at pump inlet can cause pump or inlet connector damage.
There MUST be at least ten feet (3 rn) of unrestricted garden
hose betweenthe pressure washer inlet and any device, such as
a vacuum breaker or check valve.
Damageto equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instruction will void warranty.