Turny Evo
Getting seated
Adapt the mounting legs
Bend, turn and place the mounting leg based on the conditions that prevail in the
car. The short part of the leg must however always be installed on the inside and
outside of the L-profile bracket. Allow the conditions in the car combined with the
aesthetics determine what is best. The design is very forgiving which simplifies the
adaptation since there is some adjustment range in the installing itself.
To achieve a stable construction the mounting legs are placed as far from each
other as possible, out towards the short sides of the L-profile bracket. Begin by
deciding the leg's placement and then do the bending or twisting towards the seat
adjustment. Keep in mind that the measurement between the L-profile bracket and
centre of OEM seat attachment must be between 15-45 mm.
Example of an adapted mounting leg
Drill holes in the dimensions which
are adapted for OEM seat attach-
ment. Centre the hole for the best
Drill holes for phasing in the L-profile
bracket. Use the two-hole nut as a tem-
plate to mark out the hole's position.
9 mm
Do not drill
through the nut.
A / The twisted leg that reaches out to an attach-
ment that is slightly to one side.
B / The bent leg which is placed on the inside of
the L-profile bracket so that it is not visible.
C / The bent leg which is used to regulate the
height of the rear edge of the L-profile bracket.
D / The bent leg which is used as a spacer be-
tween the mat and L-profile bracket.
E / The bent leg which is placed on the outside of
the L-profile bracket.
F / The flat leg which is placed under the L-pro-
file bracket to bring it down to the height of the
installation in the front edge.
If option F is practised above, use the
three-hole nut as a template to mark out
the hole's position.
9 mm
Do not drill
through the nut.