Sharpening the chain
1. Secure the blade in a vice.
2. The chain teeth point alternately in the
opposite direction to each other. First
sharpen one set of teeth, then turn the
saw and sharpen the other set of teeth.
The teeth must be sharpened from the
side they point out towards.
Mark the � rst tooth with a felt-tip pen
or similar, so that you can see when you
have sharpened the teeth all the way
around on the chain.
3. Place the � le against a tooth, and push
the � le forward at an angle of 30° in
relation to the blade.
Do not pull the � le back, but lift it up and
� le forward again.
File each tooth with the same number of
strokes of the � le.
4. The top of the � le should protrude
5. Finally, � le any riders using a depth-
approximately 1/5 up above the tooth.
gauge tool and a � at � le. The riders
must all have the same height and be
approximately 0.65 mm lower than the
0.65 mm
0.65 mm