Instructions and user manual Device pH
4.3.1Adjustment of the set point
When you press the SET button, the value
of the set point is displayed
4.4 Operating principle
DEVICE PH adjusts its dosage in proportion to the demand. It will dose less if the displayed measure is near
the set point. To dose less, DEVICE PH inserts longer break time sand shorter working times. That is why the
device often has the pump off. It is normal.
Adjusting the pH slowly preserves the natural quality of your water.
After 30 minutes without pressing the keys, the backlight turns off to save energy. A short press on SET or
CAL turns it on again.
4.5. Turning ON and OFF the device
To change the value of the set point, pressSET and
press CAL by pulse. Each pulse changes the pH
value of 0.1 pH between 7.0 and 7.6.
When the device is off, « OFF » is displayed. A quick press on
the « ON/OFF » button, turns on the device.
Alike, when the device is on, a quick press on the « ON/OFF »
button turns off the device.