ITT G&L Serie Instrucciones De Instalación, Funcionamiento Y Mantenimiento

Enlaces rápidos

Goulds Pumps
5GB, 7GB, 10GB,
18GB, 25GB, 33GB
High Pressure Multi-Stage
Booster Pump
Engineered for life
Residential and Commercial Water
■ Multi-stage Design: Provides steady,
quiet, vibration free, operation.
■ Optional Stainless Steel Construction:
Standard cast iron for general service or
stainless for filtration applications.
■ O-Ring Casing Seal: Reliable high pres-
sure sealing with easy disassembly for
maintenance or repair.
■ Impellers and Diffusers: Glass filled en-
gineered composite material with a fixed
impeller design. High resistance to corro-
sion and abrasion.
■ Bowls: 300 stainless steel rabbit lock
for positive alignment with no gaskets
■ Variable Capacity: Centrifugal pump
design permits selection of flow within a
range for each size.
■ Mechanical Seal: A variety of face ma-
terials and elastomers to match applica-
tion needs.
■ Motors: Close coupled NEMA 56J mo-
tors in open drip proof or totally en-
closed design. Single phase and three
phase available. Ball bearings carry all
radial and axial thrust loads. Designed
for continuous operation.
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Resumen de contenidos para ITT G&L Serie

  • Página 1 B5-33GB IT T Residential and Commercial Water Goulds Pumps 5GB, 7GB, 10GB, FEATURES 18GB, 25GB, 33GB ■ Multi-stage Design: Provides steady, High Pressure Multi-Stage quiet, vibration free, operation. Booster Pump ■ Optional Stainless Steel Construction: Standard cast iron for general service or stainless for filtration applications.
  • Página 2 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water ApplicATionS SpEciFicATionS • Residential, commercial or agricultural pressure wash Pump: • Reverse osmosis • Maximum suction (inlet) pressure: 75 PSI. • Evaporative cooling systems/misters • Maximum Liquid Temperature: 160º F (71º C). • Booster service •...
  • Página 3 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water pERFoRMAncE coVERAGE 60 HZ, 3500 RpM METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE CURVE NO. CN0434R02 RECOMMENDED RANGE 1 – 43 GPM 10GB 33GB 18GB 25GB U.S. GPM /Hr. FLOW RATE pERFoRMAncE coVERAGE 50 HZ, 2900 RpM METERS FEET...
  • Página 4 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water GB NUMBERING SYSTEM The various versions of the Series GB are identified by a product code number on the pump label. This number is also the catalog number for the pump. The meaning of each digit in the product code number is shown below. The following are the standard 60 Hz product numbers and are built with Single Phase ODP motors and standard staging.
  • Página 5 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water GB NUMBERING SYSTEM For optional motor enclosures, seals and three phase configurations use the following product code system. Example Code 5 GB C 05 1 MECHANICAL SEAL AND O-RING 0 = Standard on Cast Iron and 4 = Standard on Stainless Steel. For Optional Mechanical Seal modify catalog order no.
  • Página 6 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water DiMEnSionS AnD WEiGHTS FoR 60 HZ AnD 50 HZ pUMpS 6.75 MOUNTING 3.38 PATTERN .88 DIA Thru Typ. .38 DIA Thru-(4) Holes .38 Wide Slot Typ. 2.38 1.50 4.75 Suction Port (Ref.) Eyelets Will Accommodate Outline of Bolt-On Foot .31 DIA.
  • Página 7 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water Dimensions anD Weights for 60 hz pumps Dimensions anD Weights for 50 hz pumps Max. Wt. Max. Wt. Size Stages Size Stages Approx. Approx. Max. lbs. Approx. Approx. Max. lbs. 9.19 11.19 ⁄ 10.5 9.19 11.19 ⁄...
  • Página 8 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water 5GB pERFoRMAncE cURVES METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE CURVE NO. CN0429R01 5GB10 – 17 STAGE RECOMMENDED RANGE 1 – 8 GPM 5GB07 – 14 STAGE NPSHR – FEET 5GB05 –...
  • Página 9 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water 7GB pERFoRMAncE cURVES METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE CURVE NO. CN0430R01 RECOMMENDED RANGE 1 – 10 GPM 7GB10 – 16 STAGE 7GB07 – 13 STAGE 7GB05 – 9 STAGE NPSHR –...
  • Página 10 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water 10GB pERFoRMAncE cURVES METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE RECOMMENDED RANGE CURVE NO. CN0431R01 3 – 16 GPM 10GB20 – 17 STAGE 10GB15 – 15 STAGE 10GB10 – 10 STAGE 10GB07 –...
  • Página 11 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water 18GB pERFoRMAncE cURVES METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE CURVE NO. CN0432R01 18GB30 – 15 STAGE RECOMMENDED RANGE 6 – 28 GPM 18GB20 – 13 STAGE 18GB15 – 9 STAGE NPSHR –...
  • Página 12 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water 25GB pERFoRMAncE cURVES METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE CURVE NO. CN0433R01 RECOMMENDED RANGE 8 – 33 GPM 25GB30 – 14 STAGE 25GB20 – 10 STAGE 25GB15 – 9 STAGE NPSHR –...
  • Página 13 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water 33GB pERFoRMAncE cURVES METERS FEET MODEL: GB RPM: 3500 BASED ON ZERO INLET PRESSURE CURVE NO. CN0679R00 RECOMMENDED RANGE 33GB50 – 19 STAGE 10 – 43 GPM 33GB30 – 13 STAGE 33GB20 – 9 STAGE NPSHR –...
  • Página 14 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water AccESSoRiES hose hanDle AM3-5 – Discharge Hose 4K452 ¾" male x ¾" female, 250 PSI Formed carbon steel handle is hose, 40 ft. section, flexible. standard on 7GB WaterGun ® and can be ordered separately AM4 –...
  • Página 15 Goulds Pumps Residential and Commercial Water noTES...
  • Página 16 2881 East Bayard Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 Phone: (315) 568-7123 • Fax: (315) 568-7973 Goulds Pumps is a registered trademark of ITT Corporation. ITT, the Engineered Blocks Symbol and Engineered for life Engineered for Life are registered trademarks of ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc.
  • Página 17: Repair Parts

    IT T Commercial Water Goulds Pumps Repair Parts Goulds Pumps is a brand of ITT Residential and Commercial Water. Engineered for life...
  • Página 18 IT T GOULDS PUMPS Commercial Water GB NUMBERING SYSTEM The various versions of the Series GB are identified by a product code number on the pump label. This number is also the catalog number for the pump. The meaning of each digit in the product code number is shown below. The follow- ing are the standard 60 Hz product numbers and are built with Single Phase ODP motors and standard staging.
  • Página 19 IT T GOULDS PUMPS Commercial Water GB NUMBERING SYSTEM For optional motor enclosures, seals and three phase configurations use the following product code system. Example Code 5 GB C 05 1 MECHANICAL SEAL AND O-RING 0 = Standard on Cast Iron and 4 = Standard on Stainless Steel. For Optional Mechanical Seal modify catalog order no.
  • Página 20 IT T GOULDS PUMPS Commercial Water Unit built After february 1, 007 Models Built BEFORE February 1, 2007 Item Description Material Qty. GB10 GB18 GB25 GB33 ⁄ 7K1796 ½ 7K1797 7K1800 ¾ 7K1865 7K1799 7K1803 7K1807 7K1811 7K1806 7K1801 7K1804 7K1808 7K1812 7K2474...
  • Página 21 IT T GOULDS PUMPS Commercial Water GB STANDARD REPAIR PARTS LIST Current Models Models Built AFTER February 1, 2007 GB10 GB18 GB25 GB33 Number of Stages ⁄ ½ ¾ 1½ Item Description Material Qty. Part Number Cast Iron 1K343 Discharge Head 304SS 1K347 Standard...
  • Página 22 IT T GOULDS PUMPS Commercial Water GB CLOSE-COUPLED MOTORS 3500 RPM Single-Phase, 60 HZ, 115/230 V**, 56J Frame Open, Drip-Proof Totally Enclosed, Fan Cooled Order No. Max. Amps Wt. (lbs.) Order No. Max. Amps Wt. (lbs.) ½ E04853S 10.6/5.3 E04821S 9.2/4.6 ¾...
  • Página 23 IT T GOULDS PUMPS Commercial Water NOTES...
  • Página 24 IT T Commercial Water Goulds Pumps and the ITT Engineered Blocks Symbol are registered trademarks and tradenames of ITT Corporation. SPeCIfICAtIONS Are SUBJeCt tO CHANGe WItHOUt NOtICe. RGB January, 2007 © 2007 ITT Corporation Engineered for life...
  • Página 25 IT T Commercial Water Goulds Pumps G&L SERIES MODEL GB Installation, Operation and Maintainence Instructions Goulds Pumps is a brand of ITT Water Technology, Inc. - a subsidiary of ITT Industries, Inc. Engineered for life...
  • Página 26: Tabla De Contenido

    SUBJECT PAGE Safety Instructions ................................ 3 Engineering Data ................................3 Piping ................................... 3 Wiring and Grounding ..............................3 Rotation ..................................3 Operation ..................................4 Maintenance................................. 4 Disassembly .................................. 4 Reassembly ................................... 4 Troubleshooting ................................5 GB Components Parts Table ............................6 Limited Warranty .................................
  • Página 27: Safety Instructions

    SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PIPING • TO AVOID SERIOUS OR FATAL PERSONAL INJURY Piping should be no smaller than the pump discharge OR MAJOR PROPERTY DAMAGE, READ AND and/or suction connections. Piping should be kept as FOLLOW ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IN MANUAL short as possible, avoiding unnecessary fittings to mini- AND ON PUMP.
  • Página 28: Operation

    • OPERATION To REMOVE pump from service drain all pumpage from pump and piping. SPLASHING OR IMMERSING OPEN WARNING • DRIP PROOF MOTORS IN FLUIDS To RETURN pump to service replace all plugs and pip- Hazardous voltage ing using Teflon™ tape or equivalent on male threads. CAN SHORT OUT MOTOR AND CAUSE FIRE, SHOCK, BURNS OR •...
  • Página 29: Troubleshooting

    PROBABLE CAUSES With screwdriver in the slotted end of the pump shaft, turn the unit over (clockwise) before replacing plug (18). 1. Motor thermal protector tripped It should turn with no resistance except that of the shaft 2. Open circuit breaker or blown fuse seal.
  • Página 30: Gb Components Parts Table

    GB COMPONENTS PARTS TABLE Item Item Description Materials Description Materials No. No. Discharge Head Cast Iron Shim 304SS O-ring, Casing BUNA Shaft/Coupling Assembly 304SS Casing 304SS Mechanical Seal Varies Bearing Spider Glass Filled Motor Adapter Cast Iron Polycarbonate Screw, Motor Adapter to Motor Steel Bearing Urethane Handle – optional Steel Klip Ring 301SS Screw, Base to Motor Adapter Steel Diffuser Glass Filled Base Steel...
  • Página 31: Limited Warranty

    THIS WARRANTY ExTENDS TO THE DEALER ONLY. Goulds Pumps, G&L, WaterGun and the ITT Engineered Blocks Symbol are registered trademarks and tradenames of ITT Industries Inc.
  • Página 32 IT T Agua Industrial Goulds Pumps SERIE G&L MODELO GB Instrucciones de instalación, funcionamiento y mantenimiento Goulds Pumps son una marca de fábrica de ITT Water Technology, Inc. - un subsidiario de ITT Industries, inc. Engineered for life...
  • Página 33 TEMA PÁGINA Instrucciones de Seguridad ............................10 Datos de Ingeniería ..............................10 Tubería ..................................10 Cableado y Puesta a Tierra ............................10 Rotación ..................................11 Operación .................................. 11 Mantenimiento ................................11 Desmontaje ................................11 Reensamblaje ................................1 Identificación y Resolución de Problemas ........................1 Componentes de las bombas LB ..........................
  • Página 34: Instrucciones De Seguridad

    INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD • Carga hasta 600 pies (60 psi) • Rotación: Hacia la derecha, es decir, en el sentido de PARA EVITAR LESIONES PERSONALES GRAVES O FATALES, Y DAÑOS SIGNIFICATIVOS A LA PROPIE- las agujas del reloj cuando se observa desde el extremo DAD, LEA Y SIGA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES del motor.
  • Página 35: Rotación

    SI LA BOMBA, EL MOTOR Y LOS Utilizando este método para seleccionar las toberas es ADVERTENCIA CONTROLES NO SE CONECTAN A posible mantener una presión positiva en la admisión Tensión de la bomba. Esto evitará que la bomba “robe” agua de TIERRA EN FORMA PERMANENTE peligrosa otros grifos.
  • Página 36: Reensamblaje

    el motor del marco retirándolo directamente hacia IDENTIFICACIÓN Y RESOLUCIÓN atrás. DE PROBLEMAS • Puede ser necesario palanquear el motor con dos SI NO SE DESCONECTA Y BLOQUEA destornilladores si el sello del eje se pega. El asien- ADVERTENCIA EL SUMINISTRO ELÉCTRICO ANTES to estacionario del sello del eje puede empujarse DE INTENTAR TAREAS DE MANTE- fuera del adaptador desde el lado del motor.
  • Página 37: Componentes De Las Bombas Lb

    COMPONENTES DE LAS BOMBAS GB Ítem Ítem Descripción Materiales Descripción Materiales No. No. Cabezal de descarga Hierro fundido Cuña Acero inox. 304 Anillo en O, carcasa BUNA Ensamble eje/acoplamiento Acero inox. 304 Carcasa Acero inox. 304 Sello mecánico Varía Cruceta del cojinete Policarbonato Adaptador del motor Hierro fundido relleno de vidrio Tornillo, adaptador del motor al motor Acero Cojinete Uretano Manija – optativa Acero Anillo de retención Acero inox. 301 Tornillo, base al adaptador del motor Acero Difusor Policarbonato Base...
  • Página 38: Garantía Limitada De Goulds Pumps

    LA PRESENTE GARANTíA SE ExTIENDE AL COMERCIANTE ÚNICAMENTE Goulds Pumps, G&L, WaterGun y el símbolo ITT Engineered Blocks son marcas registradas y marcas comerciales de ITT Industries. Teflon es una marca registrada de Dupont.
  • Página 39 IT T Systèmes d’alimentation en eau commerciaux Goulds Pumps MODÈLE GB, SÉRIE G&L Directives d’installation, d’utilisation et d’entretien Goulds Pumps est une marque d’ITT Water Technol- ogy, Inc., une filiale d’ITT Industries, Inc. Engineered for life...
  • Página 40 SUJET PAGE Consignes de Sécurité ..............................17 Données Techniques ..............................17 Tuyauterie .................................. 17 Câblage et Mise à la Terre ............................17 Rotation ..................................18 Utilisation ................................... 18 Entretien ..................................18 Démontage ................................. 18 Remontage ................................. 19 Diagnostic des Anomalies ............................19 Table de Composants du Modèle GB ..........................
  • Página 41: Consignes De Sécurité

    CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ TUYAUTERIE AFIN DE PRÉVENIR LES BLESSURES GRAVES OU • Afin de réduire les pertes de charge au minimum, on MORTELLES ET LES DOMMAGES MATÉRIELS devrait maintenir la tuyauterie aussi courte que pos- IMPORTANTS, LIRE ET SUIVRE TOUTES LES sible, ne pas employer un calibre de tuyau inférieur CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ...
  • Página 42: Rotation

    ROTATION USAGE AGRICOLE JOURNALIER Il est recommandé que tous les appareils WaterGun AVIS : LA ROTATION DANS LE MAUVAIS SENS utilisés sur les fermes produisant du lait de catégorie A PEUT ENDOMMAGER LA POMPE ET AN- soient munis d’un casse-vide installé conformément aux NULE LA GARANTIE.
  • Página 43: Remontage

    fixe de la garniture hors de l’adaptateur en se plaçant DIAGNOSTIC DES ANOMALIES du côté moteur. Un joint torique en caoutchouc est OMETTRE LE VERROUILLAGE DE monté entre l’arbre de moteur et l’accouplement et AVERTISSEMENT LA SOURCE D’ALIMENTATION reste habituellement sur l’arbre lorsque la garniture ÉLECTRIQUE EN POSITION OU- est retirée.
  • Página 44 TABLE DE COMPOSANTS DE LA SÉRIE GB Description Matériaux Description Matériaux d’article d’article Tête de refoulement Fonte 10 Cale Inox 304 Joint torique (corps de pompe) Buna 11 Ensemble accouplement-arbre de pompe Inox 304 Corps de pompe Inox 304 12 Garniture mécanique Varient Polycarbonate chargé 13 Adaptateur de moteur Fonte Bague d’espacement (coussinet) de fibre de verre 14 Vis (adaptateur de moteur, moteur) Acier Coussinet Uréthane 15 Poignée (en option) Acier Agrafe de retenue...
  • Página 45: Declaration Of Conformity

    Déclaration de Conformité Déclaration de Conformité Nous, à Goulds Pumps, ITT Industries 1 Goulds Drive Auburn, NY, U.S.A. 1301, déclarons que les produits NPE, MCS, MCC, 3656, 3656 SP , GB, SSV , SVI, NPO, Prime Line SP , HB, HMS, LC, NPV , LB et LBS sont conformes à...
  • Página 46 NOTES/NOTAS...
  • Página 47 NOTES/NOTAS...
  • Página 48: Garantie Limitée

    à responsabilité limitée, une association ou autre entité juridique se livrant à quelque activité que ce soit. CETTE GARANTIE SE RAPPORTE AU DÉTAILLANT SEULEMENT. Goulds Pumps, G&L, WaterGun et le logo à blocs siglés ITT sont des marques déposées et de commerce d’ITT Industries. Teflon est une marque déposée de Dupont.

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